Unlock Models for selected Kingdoms

This should be possible my settlement decor mod does something similar except it unlocks recipes based on the biome selected. If you create a campaign that only triggers when a certain kingdom is selected and the campaign simply iterates through and unlocks the recipes you want while keeping the recipes for the other kingdom locked, that should do it. For example …

   "type": "campaign",
   "rarity": "common",
   "can_start": {
      "test_1": {
         "kingdom_check": {
            "type": "deny_if_not",
            "item": "kingdom",
            "value": "stonehearth:kingdoms:ascendancy"
   "arcs": {
      "trigger": {
         "some_recipes": "file(unlock_some_recipes_arc.json)"
      "challenge": {},
      "climax": {}

Something to note is that the current recipe unlock encounter will create a bulletin every time a recipe is unlocked, which will spam the player if you do this for multiple recipes, so I suggest creating a modified version of that encounter that does not create a bulletin and use that instead. I did the same thing in my mod, so use that if you want SettlementDecor

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