[Tutorial] How to add a custom, craftable item

So if all the namings and links to the folders are right… do you have 2 version of it, i.e. a proxy-file? Which one is that one you’ve posted.

I would try to move it to the center as Miturion mentioned and if it is the proxy-version I would create a Matrix which is 10 x 10 x 10 Voxels in size and is also centered.

that is the proxy and i have used a 10x10x10, the problem is happening with all quibicle models i have. here is the original file Dropbox - Error

Hm… if this .qb-file results from that .qmo-file… it looks strange. If I use the settings described above, there is no difference between the qmo- and qb-file. Can you describe your problem a bit more in detail in the official Minddesk-forum. Tim might be of help.

dont worry im an idiot, i was trying to open the qb file, when i imported it, it worked fine. also i missed a bracket on each line in the manifest, maybe this is a sign i should go to bed, sorry for the trouble and thanx for you help!

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@Miturion do you mean a category in the crafting UI, just like “Construction & Furnishings”? For this you just need to edit the recipes.json-file in the professions-folder (carpenter in this case). E.g. I have added my printing press into a new category by changing the file like that:

   "craftable_recipes" : [
         "category" : "Construction & Furnishings",
         "recipes" : [
         "category" : "Weapons & Armor",
         "recipes" : [
         "category" : "Printing",
         "recipes" : [

Not sure yet for what the other .json-files do include a category-tag as it is in one of the files “weapon” for all the items and is at least not linked to the crafting UI. We will find out with time, I guess. Here a screenshot of the result:


great, yea that was what I was trying. Maybe also some bracket or something or the fact that I had it in 2 categories at the same time. :expressionless:

btw @voxel_pirate. If you have time can you make some guide for installing mods? I dont know how to make video’s and put them on youtube and stuff and the fact that you are great at them :smile: .
People seem to have trouble with installing my mod and @Avairian’s mod and I dunno why. It goes fine by me.

I seem to have issues sometime when I try to install my test builds. If i take the same zip file and re-install it it sometimes fixes itself. Between that and the process being a little complicated a video might help quite a bit.

hmm, I dont have that problem with the builds. Only when I test my typo-files :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

This could be the issue I have sometimes. Sometimes I’m working to fast and don’t pay much attention to what I’m doing. xD

@Miturion I need to get into the topic first. I know there are some activities going in the Stonehearth Guru community… but did not look into the details yet. Actually the best approach would be to add the mods into the mods-folder without overwriting stonehearth.smod all the time. But as mentinoed, need to look into this first.

wow, another excellent tutorial from @voxel_pirate… well done my friend! :+1:

we should start collecting these into a journal of sorts… “Voxel Pirate’s Greatest Hits!”…

and, if you order now,…


What program do you use to create your icon images?

Yes, I saw that one. It is great, but unfortunately it does not yet work when you need to overwrite files. But adding code to the manifest is good with that.

@Avairian I have created the icon using Inkscape, an open source alternative to Adobe Illustrator.

Thanks I’ll have to check that out! I was trying to use gimp but I don’t know how to use it well. :frowning:

Nice tutorial by the way! Using it now to add some craftables to the game. :smile:

Edit: Inkscape is a pretty nice program. I have no idea how you’ve created such a nice icon. I have no idea what I’m doing. o.o

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@voxel_pirate great work as always.

I forgot can someone please remind me. What program are they using to write and compile the .json files and what program are they using to write and compile .lua files? Thanks in advance.

Are the .json files not possibly simply Notepad? I can certainly open, edit and save them with it, but I also have a feeling Tom mentioned it in a stream. Lua, I’m not sure. Would it not just be in the Lua programme?

Pardon the complete lack of coding knowledge, and hence also any very silly things said. :stuck_out_tongue:

.json files are just text. The lua being compiled only slightly reduces load time and that’s it. They use Sublime Text I’m pretty sure, it comes with a free untimed trial that just pops up with a do you want to register message occasionally. It works for .lua and .json and is generally a good program.

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@voxel_pirate, just wanted you to know that Team Radiant is thrilled with your printing press! Everyone here wants to be a literate. :wink:

Eventually we’ll need a way for the recipe list to be constructed dynamically from all the installed mods, so you don’t have to edit recipies.json.


@Smokestacks and @Xavion Thanks for the help and tips.

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