Suggest your Tip of the Day!

I don’t know the exact measurements but…

“For the most efficient crop growth plant on strips which are 3 blocks across”

Something like that?

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Fixed :stuck_out_tongue: . Because yeah, 1 x n strips are actually most efficient, at least until Radiant get around to forcing crops to be placed in 2 x 2 minimum squares or something :stuck_out_tongue: .


If the trapping and pasture zones must be a minimum of 10 x 10, there is no reason that farms cannot have a minimum too. Actually a rather elegant solution, IMO.

  • If you’re building something crazy, the ladder tool is your friend!
  • If you really want to build against a cliff, mine it out!


“A skilled Crafter can create special variants of common furnishings. Tell him to create an item and he may let his imagination run wild!”


“Promote a Carpenter soon. They can make beds for your Hearthlings!”
“Promoting a Hearthling to a Farmer will let you grow turnips!”
“Goblins will take your stuff if you let them! Perhaps a sword would help?”
“Decorate! A good looking community should thrive!”
“Storing items inside protects it from Goblins!”
“Sitting during a meal will help the Hearthlings digest!”
“Weavers can make clothes with pockets! Workers love them!”


“The order items are maintained matter. First cloth bolts, and then the string.”


I see what you’re going for, but I’m worried some new player will get confused and not craft any string before trying to mantain cloth.

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“Some professions are able to substitute certain materials for their recipes. For example, the Weaver can craft fabric items either from sheep wool or spun silkweed.”


wow, you all are providing some excellent tips… :+1:

I don’t recall from the stream, but did @Tom provide a character limit for the tips?


Don’t think so… that might rule out a fair few suggestions XD

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Thanks for the tips guys, and the coding tip, I’ve fixed the code.


“Using smaller fields will keep your farmers from being overworked and grow crops more quickly.”

That seems to flow better imo

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“Customize your stockpiles to hold different types of items in order to keep them closer to where they are needed.”

"Keep in mind that when you promote a villager to a Shepard you lose the benefits of an experienced trapper.

“Promote the people best for the job”

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If you find that you are getting overrun by goblins you can promote a villager to a footman to protect your town! Be careful though- that villager will spend their time patrolling your settlement and will no longer be available to help with building.

A happy villager is a hard working villager!

Practical buildings are important, but your hearthlings like flowers and bird baths too!

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Have more than 1 save if you want to spend time on a village. If something goes wrong you’ll have to start a new game.


Try to find a fortifiable area near a mountain Then build walls and gates
the best fortress is the one the enemy cannot attack

Very interesting tip! Might confuse the players though…

You could always wait until it releases on Steam and just get it that way if you don’t want to use either of the two options provided. It’ll be a bit of a wait though.

On Topic:
“The trapper is an excellent source of early game unique food.”


Its quiet…too quiet