Stonehearth Gaming Steam Group

if it makes you feel better, your thread was merged here… :smile:

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No comment.

glances at search function



So yah, Because I’ve been going back and looking for things to do, i remembered this. Looking at the steam group, nothing has changed since i looked at it before, and no “Events” or “Discussions” In a while, Come on people! This is steam! We should use it to play games and stuff! I’m sitting here wondering why no one is even in the steam chat.

I also decided to join!
because I don’t have much time for PAE, I am busy gaming, so this is great! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Project Project Animated Entertainment?

It is more descriptive than plain PAE, if you don’t know what PAE stands for… This sounded better in my head

Well, There is this thing called clicking the name of the person who you’ve never met before and don’t know who they are.

It opens a pop out window, It’s really cool.

Oh wow! I haven’t seen this Thread in a while! I haven’t also seen much activity on the Steam Group.

What happened? :question:

You…uh…be quiet!
I edited the original post, so back off! Gets sword

Cmon man! Me and @PAE are weirding it up in the steam chat!

PAE left chat.
Kevin: PAE
PAE entered chat.
Kevin: I’m not done with you.
PAE: oh no
Kevin: grabs squirt bottle
Kevin: BAD!
Kevin: Sprays and short circuts his monitor
PAE: My dog gets the squirt bottle for being bad
Kevin: Yes, this was what i was implying
PAE: D._o.dydsk-=^ks
Kevin: It’s ok, calm down
Kevin: just go back to discourse and reply to the thread so we can bump it some more.

OI! EPIC! we’re waiting for you in the steam group chat!

Huh? Oh, sorry, hold on. Hope the chat is not over now.

PAE: back to topic…
PAE: I don’t know…Im scared
Kevin: btw, let’s go kidnap epic.
PAE: epicdwarf?
PAE: yay
Kevin: Nooo, epicelf.
PAE: sure ;D
Kevin: I’m just gonna sit here and wonder when more people will come
Kevin: We need to bump more
PAE: lol
PAE: Is Epic online?
PAE: yes he is
Kevin: GET HIM
PAE: send a private message

Oh god my connection is slow.

Hurry up Steam!

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It says I can’t connect to the internet, which I am connected to.

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Finally! I am connected!

Oi! Peeps! Get on the chat! We’re plotting the downfall Stimulation of this forum right now! WHERE ARE YOU PEOPLE?

If you want more details get to the Choppa Steam Group!

@Smith - We don’t need to keep posting these images to bump old threads now do we? :stuck_out_tongue:

@EpicDwarf - Please, edit your posts if you were the last person to post, that way we avoid triple posting.

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Um, I don’t understand your question. Of course i need these images, and i definitely need to bump at least this old thread, it has a reason for existing.

Well it was rhetorical.

I have no problem with you reviving old threads, but you’ve posted that same image 3 or 4 times, it feels a bit spammy, so please don’t keep posting the image, thanks.

Hey, It had different text, but fine.