I woke up this morning with a message from a Stonehearth friend that asked if something happened to the Workshop. I opened steam to see what they meant and witnessed this. I can’t be the only one if they asked me about it.
Oh no!
But this looks like a Steam issue. I searched for other games with Workshop and it’s the same.
I hope they fix it soon.
Ok, I didn’t think of checking other games… Hopefully someone on their end has been informed and is tackling it right now
Steam has been behaving strange lately. The change they did to the Friend list took us by surprise, we’re still checking why the Invites for multiplayer don’t work correctly with their new UI, perhaps the API changed.
oh yea! that was something I was going to bring attention to later as well. My friends and I not being able to join/invite the way we used to is wonky feeling
The api they have for friends keeps changing. The bad news is that we’ve been the first ones to inform them of various buggy effects it’s having on everyone using it. The good news is that they’ve fixed it twice now! Time to contact them again…
Just discovered you can access the workshop mods in the Discourse mod list, it worked for me, just go to the mod list here Stonehearth Mod List and select the mod you want, click on view more info just below said mod and there should be a Workshop link. workaround
Just checked, now seems to be working again