Seasons: What Do They Do? Do They Do Things? Let's Find Out!

As for the seasons: is it planned to implement season-dependent terrain palettes (they are hardcoded to use spring palette now)?
How about changing entity appearance based on season (frankly I don’t care if it’s via changing the model or material map)?


I think looking at the Arctic map, there will be a small need for a workaround when you go for model changes no ? I am not exactly sure if that’s even what you meant but trying to figure out.

That’s actually less of a concern than the hardcoded terrain palette because I’ve already been thinking about coding a component which changes model variant when seasons change. How easy would it be to code depends on how the seasons are implemented.

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Yes, using model_variants and a component that swaps them stochastically over a season change period.


Might not be the best place to ask this but since it was mentioned, just wanted to know:
Will the calendar be somewhat changed for seasons? Right now the year is pretty much realistic (30 days per month, 12 months) which makes the seasons perhaps a tad bit too long. They shouldn’t be too short either, however. Will this be kept, will they have faster cycles, etc…? :stuck_out_tongue:

And just as a personal curiosity/anxiety: will the palette change be smooth/gradual or sudden? :3

Thanks :merry:


Yes. A month will be 7 days. Which months are covered by each season depends on the biome.



anticipation arises

Damn, I love you guys.


To confirm here, in hot biomes winter will be opposite to winter in cold biomes ?

Will seasons empower biome settings ? Cold + Cold = more slow etc. ?

Not exactly. You’ll see next week.

No. The seasons simply determine the weather, and the weather itself has the effects.


Excited to see how that’ll work than.

Does that mean season weather will overrule biome weather or will there be 2 possible weather scenarios together.

Thanks for the clarification

My guess is that biome will have 4 weather arrays just like it will have 4 palette arrays (it currently has one called spring, so that is a ‘hint’)

Roughly yes, except while the default biomes have 4 seasons, a modded biome can have any number of seasons.


This is what I wished to hear, f**k yes! Combined with the other information we got, it should be able to write some disaster scenario with the weather combinations.


About replacing models based on seasons, that is definitely possible, I did that in the Season mod 🍂. But my guess the new system will be better and easier to use.

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(This will be after the ‘th’ gets stolen from the Stonehearth name, changing it to Stonehear, and everyone just goes with it as if it had never been anything else…)

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the name was always a warning, stone heart

Yup, that mod was my inspiration, though I didn’t want to replace whole entities, just the models.
There is a bit of a problem: assume there is a tree with differently shaped models. By stochastically swapping the models the shape of a fully grown tree would change between the seasons.

A simple solution is to have different uri for every shape of the tree, this however prevents one from planting different shape variants with seeds if one doesn’t want to make straight/bent tree seeds separate objects.

Could it be possible that seasons would modify critters spawns and mods interaction ?
winter: less critters, more dead monster
spring: more critters
summer: more goblins

Wouldnt it be easier to generate a number to decide what graphic is used for every single seed ?

Let’s say you have 5 different trees of type 1 ,2 and 3
You have you then only have to split 3 types instead of 5 or even 15 ?

Oh, I forgot about one fancy feature: varying daytime length. Is it planned or dropped? I’d really love polar days and nights in the Glacier biome.