As alot of people i am sure have complained about before, when the goblin camps pop up they leave an ugly hole in the ground and often where you want to build.
I have noticed that you can build a floor in there but is it a possibility to add to a future patch a ground coloured floor to fill in these holes? or even if the hearthlings can mine the grass elsewhere and place it in here? if that makes sense lol.
hmm… i would suggest creating an new game for using it, rather then using it in an existing game, just to be safe. Relyss should be able to confirm whether it will work in existing games.
[quote=“Ayla, post:3, topic:17821”]
I had a couple mods installed not long ago but they bugged out the game alot more
[/quote]oh dear could you perhaps provide which mods they were?
[quote=“Ayla, post:5, topic:17821”]
or maybe it was just my bad luck lol
[/quote]if i’m not mistaken those two were bugged out a while ago, so its mod likely not your bad luck.
but to my knowledge the terrain slabs mod works perfectly fine wih R-472.