Multiplayer without Steam?

Anymore luck with this? I want to make a server where I can host a roleplay/build/adventure location for several players. Is this possible? How many players? Thanks.

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I cant seem to do it right. could you please upload a user_setting example?


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Hey Mikey, what is the issue you’re seeing? The example you replied to is supposed to be copied into the user_settings.json. The host ip goes here needs to be replaced with the IP address of the host.

An example user settings file for the host might look like this if you copied your user id in:

	"user_id" : "<your user_id here>",
	"multiplayer" : {
		"server" : {
			"port" : 57093,
			"ip" : ""
		"remote_server" : {
			"enabled" : false
	"renderer" : {
		"run_once" : true,
		"use_high_quality" : true,
		"enable_dynamic_icons" : true,
		"enable_ssao" : false,
		"enable_shadows" : true,
		"msaa_samples" : 0,
		"shadow_quality" : 1,
		"max_lights" : 10,
		"max_shadows" : 1,
		"enable_vsync" : false,
		"enable_fullscreen" : false,
		"draw_distance" : 750,
		"graphics_preset" : 1,
		"recommended_graphics_preset" : 1,
		"last_window_x" : -77,
		"last_window_y" : 86,
		"window_width" : 1920,
		"window_height" : 1061,
		"window_maximized" : false,
		"last_screen_x" : 0,
		"last_screen_y" : 0,
		"screen_width" : 1920,
		"screen_height" : 1080

where should we write it on?

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The user_settings.json file sits in your steam directory, which is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stonehearth for me, but could be wherever your library is. You can follow this guide to find your game files: Steam Community :: Guide :: How to access game files

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@ayazar hi, thx for this guide but… how to join a multiplayer game without using Steam, and so the Steam Friend List ?? If the tricks is to simply launch the game on Client, the answer is “connection lost”.

Besides, no mods without Steam (neither ACE). Is there an other way to force LAN connection ?

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Oh. I forgot to mention.
Have the host start the game and place a camp down first. then the user can start the game.

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@Bolune the Client just have to launch the game ? The game will join automatically ?

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Yes. After host makes game and places camp. Client just starts the game.

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Yes it’s what I did. Ok thanks :slight_smile:

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Also, you can force the game to ignore steam with this user setting:

"steam": {
   "enabled": false
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Hate touching old threads like this but I’ve been attempting to get multiplayer without steam to work and every time I start stonehearth up it recreates the user_settings.json file and prevents me from joining the hosted game. Is multiplayer without steam no longer possible?

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Multiplayer without steam is still a thing; the one exception is that it doesn’t work on macOS. Are your edits to the user_settings.json file getting overwritten? Maybe the JSON was invalid?

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I’ve read through this thread and tried to follow the steps for both client and host, with port forwarding set up starting and ending at 57093 (which I’m assuming is what I’m supposed to do). The client has “remote_server” : {
“enabled” : true,
“port” : 57093,
“ip” : “my public ip”

and the host has the exact settings as the post on May '18.

At this point, I’m not sure what’s wrong exactly, as the client keeps on getting “server is not accepting connections, you were disconnected” and the host never recieves any notification. Anything I can do about this?

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I’m not sure exactly what could be happening, can you share your full user_settings.json file, and the client log file? (Edit: also, hello! welcome to the forum! :slight_smile: )


Welp, thanks for replying 22 days ago (lol)! I’ve solved the issue before your reply and forgot to repost. The client that was trying to connect to the host didn’t save the edited script, so it didn’t have the right IP address and port.

However, the original intent was to use a custom mod that isn’t on the steam workshop on both the client and host, but the requires the use of uploaded steam mods. If there’s a way around that, that would be lovely!

(also, sorry for not noticing the repost earlier)


Great! Also no worries :slight_smile:

I think if you both manually copy the mod into place it should work as long as they hash the same.
What is the behavior you are seeing?

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Hello, sorry but it happens the same to me as Alan_Hughes. When I open Stonehearth, the user_settings.json just modifies itself and I can’t even host the game and my friend can’t join because her file also modifies. Any help I can get in this?

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The game updates user_settings.json every time, but it should always keep existing data if it’s formatted correctly. If you post yours, someone could look into what might be wrong with it.

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Hello thanks for the answer, here is mine. I copy-paste what ayazar Team Radiant member posted for the host settings. And the “default lines” below the ip line is always written again each time I deleted it and launch Stonehearth and that “default lines” doesn’t have to be there, idk why this is happening.user_settings.rar (680 Bytes)
Thanks for your answers again.

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