Modding/looking into Alpha 1

To implement entitys the correct way you have to write a new function in the landscaper.luac which is going to place them. I think that’s the best and only way to do it :slight_smile:

When i have time i am going to implement a little bit fun into the game. I thought of a mammoth and a goblin attack!

i I’d love to see that, good too see someone who actually knows what they are doing having a go at this :smiley:

Good luck

ROFL! The mammoth may or may not have been chopped up properly in quibicle; we haven’t tested it in a while.

I’m sure it was something i did just cant get it to work properly and also when i try the wolf the game wont make it passed the loading bar… oh well

Anyways this is i think the first time I’ve acctually had the chance of talking to anyone on the radiant team and who better than Stephanie and i just want to say: **GREAT JOB so far i love Stonehearth ** stay AWESOME and may 2014 bring good fortune :smiley:


Thanks! With you all pulling for us, I’m sure 2014 will continue to be full of wonderful things. :slight_smile:

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