I’m having a problem with my mod in the latest version.
When launching the game, an error pop up (right at the start menu) with this (copied from the stonehearth.log)
2017-03-30 23:02:05.344491 | server | 0 | lua.code | -- Script Error (native) Begin -------------------------------
2017-03-30 23:02:05.344491 | server | 0 | lua.code | c++ exception: invalid resource 'archipelago_biome/entities/monsters/cocoling/cocoling.json'. File has a mixin to that is not formatted correctly!.
2017-03-30 23:02:05.344491 | server | 0 | lua.code | stack traceback:
2017-03-30 23:02:05.344491 | server | 0 | lua.code | [C]: in function 'load_json'
2017-03-30 23:02:05.344491 | server | 0 | lua.code | radiant/modules/resources.lua:33: in function 'load_json'
2017-03-30 23:02:05.344491 | server | 0 | lua.code | ...nehearth/services/server/catalog/catalog_service.lua:129: in function '_load_json'
2017-03-30 23:02:05.344491 | server | 0 | lua.code | ...nehearth/services/server/catalog/catalog_service.lua:135: in function '_load_entity_json'
2017-03-30 23:02:05.344989 | server | 0 | lua.code | ...nehearth/services/server/catalog/catalog_service.lua:110: in function '_load_catalog'
2017-03-30 23:02:05.344989 | server | 0 | lua.code | ...nehearth/services/server/catalog/catalog_service.lua:36: in function 'initialize'
2017-03-30 23:02:05.344989 | server | 0 | lua.code | stonehearth/stonehearth_server.lua:73: in function 'create_service'
2017-03-30 23:02:05.344989 | server | 0 | lua.code | stonehearth/stonehearth_server.lua:127: in function 'instance'
2017-03-30 23:02:05.344989 | server | 0 | lua.code | radiant/modules/events.lua:291: in function <radiant/modules/events.lua:285>
2017-03-30 23:02:05.344989 | server | 0 | lua.code | [C]: in function 'xpcall'
2017-03-30 23:02:05.344989 | server | 0 | lua.code | radiant/modules/common.lua:257: in function 'xpcall'
2017-03-30 23:02:05.344989 | server | 0 | lua.code | radiant/modules/events.lua:285: in function <radiant/modules/events.lua:251>
2017-03-30 23:02:05.344989 | server | 0 | lua.code | -- Lua Error End -------------------------------
A bit of background: I have a mob (the cocoling) and in its file it has a mixin pointing to the stonehearth monster mixin, so it inherits the basic monster behaviors. It worked last version.
Now, the message is clear about having a bad mixin. But I can’t see why…
"mixins": "stonehearth:mixins:monster",
So… I have no idea what to do here. What is wrong? The mixin is fine, it is from the game itself and is used in other places too. Removing the mixin makes the game not give any errors on launch, but obviously it will when the mob is created in the world without it.