Hearthlings finish their current task before sleeping or eating

2 design aspects:

  1. satisfaction
    to compare it with dwarf fortress: dwarfes like to finish their work, before eating.
    easy question: Would you like to start eating on work on a 10 metres high ladder? :smiley:

  2. utilisation
    its nonsense to drop your work in certain circumstances.
    You’ll loose time, have to walk farther, do something twice.

easy solution: (pseudo code)

  • if eating then check if hearthling has a task to do
  • if yes, check if the task is interruptable
  • if yes, interrupt and eat
    / to do so, tasks need a flag ‘interruptable’

examples for interruptable tasks:

  • farming
  • cutting wood
  • sitting on the camp fire

examples for un-interruptable tasks:

  • holding building material / on way to building site
  • sleeping
  • fighting