I have a screenshot now of the second issue I mentioned here, in case it wasn’t clear (though I suppose the link to the Desktop Tuesday would have clarified some already). Note the pillar in the corner facing us; the raised roof means it doesn’t reach high enough. (Screenshot from post about another issue with windows and lighting and all, ignore that for this purpose.)
How do you build a second floor?
@sdee Something that seems to still be hanging over from that floating stockpile issue we had a while ago (not sure if it still affects stockpiles) but if I place a building down, then remove it, then go to place another building, that second building will be “building 2” despite the fact that I removed “building 1”.
Might not be an issue, probably won’t be, but just thought I’d mention it in case it will through up issues one day.
i think it takes some building “trickery”, as its not really built into the current UI tools… some more experimental folks have figured out how to construct … something like what @Phagocytosis shows above…
Although I really like the current Building Tool, I’ve found that some structure styles are simply, shall we say… Above what the Villagers are capable of constructing:
I tried to construct this lodge sized structure, but as you can see in the picture, the villagers just don’t seem compelled to complete it. I guess there AI’s just don’t have any way of figuring out how to construct such a mammoth sized building, with indentations and what not.
I assume that as the game progresses and the Building designer becomes more complicated (With multi-story buildings, Etc.) The villagers will have ways of constructing unusually designed buildings.
There is no actual second floor in that house in my post just above yours, if that was the on you’re referring to. I just set the roof to be tall, and so the walls get tall as well, and then I just place some windows up there to stop the wall from looking so bare up top. But there’s no actual floor to go with the top row of windows
Hi All,
Overall its quite good starting.
But there are several issues I face personally.
First, I cannot set Walls inside the Building, or I do not figure out how to… which makes every house OneRoom, thats sucks as soon as you start bigger Houses.
Second, I do not see any way to build ab Second or even Third floors to get Buildings higher than 1 Floor, which is sad as I would like to Build up more complexe Houses.
Third, I dont find a way to build up “mixed” roof houses as screenshoted by people above.
Overall it is rather easy to use and not packed with usesless stuff, but many options seems to miss or are unhandy to find for me.
Keep up the good work and I guess this will be solved pretty well by your DevTeam!
Working as intended for now - I’m sure Radiant will be making internal partitions in the future though.
As above. The two+ story houses seen above etc are the result of some clever tricks.
On the roof tool there’s a picture of a roof with grey & blue boxes around it: clicking these will determine the slope of the roof.
Kudos for the super impressive building
Too busy to read through all the posts here so I’m sorry if it’s been brought up before, but can you please fix the build tools so that you can move the camera with them toggled?
i.e. when you click on the “build floor” button, the scroll wheel no longer works. (I don’t think right click works either, to rotate the camera)… I get this problem with some of the other tools as well (build stockpile? or maybe its the farm zoning tool?)
Thanks, but it woulda been even more impressive if they actually built it!
I won’t be too impatient, I’m sure the build tool will improve with each release.
I know how to change the colour of the roof, what I meant was different typs of roof on the same house, for example to setup a main room with towers and the main have different roof than the towers… but I guess its the same as above…
The building tool does need some serious aid.
Currently, you cannot add walls within a large building without a lot of work, (You have to remove floors in order to place walls in the interior…) and even then, the workers are not compelled to finish the walls.
Likewise, you cannot make “Open” buildings, say like a gazebo with sections of walls missing, but still with support columns for a roof. If the walls do not fully enclose the floor, the workers will only make the floor. This means patios and other partially outdoor aspects of buildings are null and void.
Only making houses in square/cube forms is rather dull, but understandable from a game design aspect. If there was a shape choice before you begin drawing the floor, with walls that could actually take on the form of those shapes, (Ovals, circles, triangles on top of the current square only draw shape) I think the amount of player architectural freedom granted from this will lead to wonderful buildings.
There is way to raise a floor off the ground level, nor create stairs. This leads in to the problem of no second floors, as well.
Something that has bothered me is the lack of priority some of my workers hold for building homes. If there was a priority list for your builds and other tasks (hauling, gathering, etc) this could easily be fixed. Another idea is a mini-promotion/assignment for a worker that makes them only work on a specific job (Building a house, for instance or hauling all the wood in a specific area) until it is done, or whenever a job like that pops up. If you could assign lower-tier workers to different foremans, it could easily aid in specialization of your work force so you don’t always have everybody all over the place.
There should be some sort of road feature added to the building tool, to aid in AI mapping and possible mechanical benefits. There should be different tiers (based off of what materials were used to build the road) of roads, each granting higher benefits like increased speed similar to the improved workers outfit.
Workers sometimes do not place windows/doors in on partially finished buildings (Everything but doors and windows added) or remove the ladder scaffolding built to do so if there was not windows/doors in the stockpile. They then seem to forget about adding those completely. If you do not have the pieces of furniture available when you createthe floor plan/are in the middle of building, you should get a notification when at your related-crafter’s workshop of backlog that needs to be fulfilled in order to finish the project.
The final step of building a home should have almost the entire place-item list for furniture and lights, etc.
Buildings should have designations when they are made, sleeping quarters, crafting shop, etc.
When placing windows and doors etc, the yellow indicator should turn red instead of disappearing when trying to place it on an illegal or otherwise impossible location; this confused me a lot when I made my first building.
Completely unrelated but totally something that should be made for capturing larger animals: Carpenters should be able to make large cages for trappers, which can trap larger animals when they are implemented to maybe aid in domestication. This should also work on hostile creatures, like goblins; that way you may place them in a goblin jail of sorts to train your footmen and archers with or to keep as a warning to the other goblins.
Lastly, here are some other bugs I’ve noticed:
The place item part of the build tool does not always correctly tally what is available to be placed; there is some lag between the engine recognizing that an item should no longer be counted against the amount available for placement and what is in the process of being placed.
You can’t even place fences/gates yet. (found that out after making 100 of them to keep the 5 goblins that decided to show up and just burn all of the stuff they take from me)
When switching between the crafting and building parts of the UI, the crafting tab sometimes freezes on the screen partially, and when the mouse hovers over it, the mouse becomes my normal mouse icon and stops being able to interact with the game. This glitch keeps me from being able to access ESC to save and quit, slowly making the game lag and eventually crashing my game every time before I can save, at which point I rage quit. There should be a quick-save button feature installed with a very obvious hotkey denoted for all to see to keep these sorts of things from happening.
Placing comfy beds against the wall in a building with a high ceiling some how managed to land them on the roof. I could not take them down/move them.
When placing a different colored floor over a pre-existing floor, the floor creation drag and drop highlight did not appear sometimes.
That’s all I have off the top of my head, and some of this is speculation/my opinion for fixes like the foreman idea. Still, I I hope that it helps. Can’t wait for fixes and actual combat, I’m getting real tired of these goblins who never sleep and only burn my stuff…
Thanks for letting us know how you feel guys. Keep those suggestions coming! The build tool is going to continue to get more and more love as we flesh the game out more, but it will take some time to get to some of these things. I’ll keep checking in here from time to time (so even if you don’t see me posting, don’t think I’m not reading!).
Here’s a few more suggestions/things I’ve noticed after a bit of fiddling around.
When creating walls for defense, you can only make a single wall go so far, requiring you to make multiple tiny walls, and having your workers work on each section individually. This is really annoying! I didn’t know why they hadn’t started the other sections until I checked back and had to manually tell them to build each tiny segment.
When making walls, you cannot choose which way the scaffolding goes, so when you wall an area off, people working on the one side you don’t want to have access to your village are trapped, and goblins can use your scaffolding left on that side to come around and avoid the wall entirely. It would be preferred if you could choose which side of the wall has the scaffolding, and also have the option of either leaving the scaffolding or adding scaffolding-like things to walls later so that archers may be posted there.
Gates would also be a nice addition to the building tool for walls/castle like buildings. Gates would make a good place for setting up a choke point for defense and have the added bonus of style and making your village look cool.
Ladders currently cannot be added to areas that are an elevation below your worker’s current elevation.
Off topic but some things that bug (no pun intended) me greatly:
Grown Silkweed is ignored by farmers completely, at least in my current game. Since they spoil, this is very annoying. Maybe adding them as an object that can be highlighted by the harvest tool would deal with that?
Clothes should be equip-able to all classes of villagers, similarly to promotions, otherwise Padded clothes are useless as soon as you have leather. It would be nice to have a stockpile of padded clothes/leather armor that I could just quickly equip my villagers if armed goblins began to attack. They should also be able to be taken apart for their base cloth components.
Crafters like carpenters/weavers should state that they cannot finish a job if they don’t have enough materials, as well as postponing it.
Well the building tool really is very well tought trough! I really like it!
Here’s my pro and con list (evn tho you might have heard these already):
- it’s good that you have tabs to scroll trough, it gives order and
makes it easy to figure out how it works - the first time you open it you don’t really have to press each tab to figure out how to build a house, but it felt weird compared to the one we were used to. Yet I got used to it so fast and it feels so ‘comfortable’ to work with
- it’s just a great concept
CONS (don’t let the number of cons deceive you, the good still outweigh the “bad”):
- The undo button is a little buggy and quite unhandy to work with, a list of all previous building stepps on this buiding (in order) so you can select something you added a couple of clicks before with 1 click instead of undoing everything after it.
- It would be nice to be able to save some buildings
- if you want to create a big house the game tends to start to bugg out
- the AI has difficulties makeing the game run when you build a big building with different floor plans, rooms and windows/doors when you go past a certain amount of village size
- creating a house with different types of floor is buggy:
1 the icon switches to another type of floor but you can’t draw with it
2 you often have to click on the floor pattern more than twice
3 it’s buggy to draw with even tho you manage to chaneg the floor pattern - being able to chose a mix of roofs would be nice as well
I think this covered most of it
the editor so far is pretty nice, but i have some suggestions for it.
i would like to see indoor walls for creating separate rooms, and the doors for this typ of walls.
also i would appreciate if we would be able to make a relation between one bed and a person of the town, for example i want to create a house/room for the weaver, with his bed, weaver place, and so one, i would like to be able to say “This bed is yours weaver! go for it!”
To add on to previous posts, I would love to see the ability to add a second floor (or more) with a check-box to add a loft/attic. Perhaps make wood building max 2 stories, block/brick 3 or 4 with a slate roof (for in the event forest fires become a feature hehehe). Once an additional floor is indicated, a stairway would appear and require placement prior to continuing. Just my 2 cents as I absolutely love the game so far. Great job!
Personally i would like a good option to build rooms inside buildings. It’s semi-possible with the manual wall placement, but your workers are unable to complete it then.
Another thing which has been bugging me for a while is the fact that the floor is placed ontop of the ground. Maybe it’s just me, but i would like it if the floor can replace the ground, so there is no height difference between the inside and the outside. So your workers would dig out the dirt and then place the floor inside.
Additionaly this might make it easier to place single rooms inside buildings. Currently the floor is a obstacle that your workers have that keeps them from building the walls, but if the floor was on ground level, this wouldn’t be a problem.
I really agree with this. I believe @Tom said at one time that the reason the floor was on the ground instead of level with it caused some issues. The fact that you’d have a hole in the ground after demolishing the building being one of the issues. I still find it looks weird though. With the advances in mining in the near future maybe this can be looked into again.