Error attempting to order party to move to location


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Not consistently reproduceable. Sometimes placing a “Move” token works, other times it gives an error. Usually issuing a couple of subsequent orders for a single party ends up resulting in this error.

Version Number: develop-2786 (x64)

Error #1:
develop-2786 (x64)…t_server_commands/combat_server_commands_service.lua:309: attempt to call method ‘destroy’ (a nil value)stack traceback:
[C]: in function ‘destroy’
…t_server_commands/combat_server_commands_service.lua:309: in function ‘_remove_marker’
…t_server_commands/combat_server_commands_service.lua:478: in function ‘_issue_party_event’
…t_server_commands/combat_server_commands_service.lua:454: in function <…t_server_commands/combat_server_commands_service.lua:453>

Error #2:
develop-2786 (x64)c++ exception: lua runtime errorstack traceback:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Attempt to call method ‘destroy’ (a nil value) - in function ‘removemarker’