Engine error when moving a crate

I get this engine error when moving a crate (with stuff inside or not, same thing):

develop-2494 (x64)stonehearth/components/ai/execution_frame.luac:70: attempt to compare number with nilstack traceback:
	[C]: ?
	stonehearth/components/ai/execution_frame.luac:70: in function '_on_position_changed'
	stonehearth/components/ai/execution_frame.luac:51: in function <stonehearth/components/ai/execution_frame.luac:51>

Someone see the same?


I’ve also seen errors when moving crates, although I’m not sure if it was exactly that error.


i have also got errors whilst moving crates, though i also am unsure if it was this error :stuck_out_tongue:


Well, at least you didn’t outright plagiarize my comment :wink:

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next time i’ll make sure i do :wink:

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I’m getting the same bug in develop-2513.

It’s an intermittent bug. I think some special circumstances may be needed to get it to occur. Once it starts though, it will happen every time you move a crate. Even if you reload the game.

I’ve uploaded a save with the bug in effect here.

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Ok. Fixed for the next build.


@Albert, I just came over this bug in R 447.

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