Download update

I downloaded the Alpha 1 how can I update the game?
Sorry for the english…

Welcome to the forum, @elaksus :smile:

I’d swear that the current downloads are Alpha 11, so I’m not sure when / where did you download the Alpha 1.

Have you downloaded from Humble Bundle or from Steam?

If it’s from Steam, the steps to download automatically the latest build are:
1 - Go to your Steam Library and right click on Stonehearth
2 - Select “Properties” from the dropdown menu.
3 - Hop on over to the “Betas” tab
4 - In the “Select the beta you would like to opt into:” dropdown, choose “latest”

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I downloaded it from the official site…

If you downloaded it this month, then you already have the latest version :smile:

When you play the game, in the lower left corner of the main menu, you’ll see the version (it has to be 0.11.0 release 453):

Otherwise, if you downloaded it in the Alpha 1 times (2013), have not updated the game ever, and you’re not using Steam, you’ll have to uninstall the game and download it again from the official site. You’ll see that the last update is from August 18th:

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