Discouragement for changing jobs

once you add leveling up to them all please reset people who change jobs level so that there is a punishment for changing jobs on a , say, experienced footman/trapper etc.

It feels like this feature may be moving towards the “too easy” bit I liked how before people were a resource and could only have one job. It made you strategize when changing someones class. And i really feel like we should be discouraged from changing peoples jobs on the fly. when we need them. Bcause that would simply be too overpowerd if they kept their levels/skills.

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Don’t worry, the current implementation is not finished. :slight_smile:

Edit: …you may want to resist the urge to micro till it’s better. :slight_smile:


Ok @sdee , I trust you. I know you will make this awesome.

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Loosing all previous levels sounds like an overkill :smile:

How about they loose a level of the previous skill (punishment for not practising that skill) and start building up levels in a new skill. After all you don’t instantly forget something when you learn something new…

For me the fact of changing the jobs of th people can be really nice and useful especially at early game when you have 7 people. The way we could punish the job changing could be that if you change the job the previous one will loose all the experience of the level.
So for example if you have a footman level 4 with the experience at 400/700 (just throwing random numbers) you can change his job and take him to 0/700… Doing so at the beginning it’s kinda ok but the more you go on with your settlement the more you will be punished if you change someone who had his job since ever, infact if you change his level at, let’s say, 20 with the experience at 3k/10k you will be far more punished than early game where you can decide who is better on what.
With this system you can, however, always change someone’s job in case of emergency (like someone dies, or an invasion or a famine).
Also the @GuybrushSH’s idea it’s pretty neat, infact you can remove some experience over time… Obviously the more the worker will be experienced the more will be slower the ratio of loosing the experience.
Just sharing my idea (hope you understood what I wanted to say)


That seems reasonable given the direction Stonehearth is taking WRT jobs and professions (ie, unlike DF or Gnomoria which are full of custom professions etc). Perhaps individual morale could also take a hit - there probably ought to be some kind of punishment from swapping from a L0 trapper to a L0 carpenter after all, and I don’t think we’ll be seeing negative levels :smiley: .


I like the idea of @Zavian of loosing the currently accumulated experience, which as he points out is more punitive at higher levels (assuming higher levels need more experience). This also addresses @Teleros, who pointed out a level 0 carpenter cannot become level -1. Loosing experience gradually is a cunning idea too, but XP loss at a constant rate would be less punitive at higher levels…

Well, I still think it’s a bit silly that on going from carpenter to trapper (or w/e) you instantly lose all your experience of being a carpenter. Not terribly realistic & all that.


Hmm you may well be right, which is why @Zavian suggestion seemed more pleasing. In reality you would not instantly forget part of your knowledge.

In the real world I may be a level 4 farmer (I have an allotment :slight_smile: ) if I started a on the job training as a carpenter I might become level 1 in one month. In the meantime my experience of farming may diminish slightly as I get out of practice (plus my allotment is getting full of weeds).

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How about something simple like categories?
whatever initial job you choose will become the Main category, within that category there are sub categories (Jobs that can be associated with the main).

ex: you make one of your hearthlings a footmen (that becomes the main) and job’s that could be in the sub category could be like - Trapper - Carpenter (and whatever jobs are not part of the sub you are locked out from).

Here’s were they could make this more complex: The initial job you change them to will receive no penalties (can max the level out). The second though, you can’t max out in level (so if lets say lvl5 is the max level, you could only reach lvl3) and you have to get 50% more xp (from the norm) in that sub category job. If you pick yet another sub job max level achieved will be lvl2 and you have to get 150% more xp in that job (from the norm).

This will be discouraging, yet still allow the player to multi class without building a God like person.

I agree on the part that new jobs should be harder to learn but could be taken to max level but you can only have 3 jobs categories instead of what your suggesting for job category have it job tiers so if it expands on one of you original job classes you can just pretty much rank up that class instead of having it take a one of your limited class spots

time for examples
say you got a citizen you promote him to a footman
oops you don’t need a footman patrolling all the time so you give him a second job
you promote him into weaver
welp you don’t have anything more you need to craft from him so you want to change his class one more time this would be the last time you can
you promote him into a trapper
you can switch between these three as many times as you want but here’s where it gets into late game obviously not implemented yet you want to upgrade him to a more experienced worker farther in the class tree than just one job level up away from a worker
well you still can but only in the three job classes he knows
and than you can demote and re-promote him in those class categories however you want

it’s pretty much just to prevent any one citizen from being a mr(s). jack of all trades guy/gal

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I’m not sure it’s necessarily something that needs punishing. A slow skill rot might be appropriate for DF levels of attention to detail, but at higher levels the punishment for changing you highly skilled carpenter into a generic worker is that you’re now short a highly skilled carpenter until you change him back. It also seems like a fun distraction to get a citizen to max level (or close to it) in all classes - it wouldn’t be practical because every time that citizen started being useful they’d then be reassigned to some menial task, but it’d be fun for an achievement.

I think what we want to prevent is rapid job changing to handle minor micro stuff like getting your weaver to help out with building houses while they’ve got nothing better to do, since that would reward an unfun level of micro. I think the best way to handle that is to give a severe morale penalty for “demoting” someone. A level 10 Carpenter should be furious about changing jobs, no matter the level of the new job. At level 1 and lower, a worker might not care one bit about losing that job.

As far as military goes, this should allow you to “draft” your citizens at a scaling morale penalty. Unless your town is in mortal danger, having your best carpenter in a sour mood for a week isn’t worth having that extra foot soldier.


Bump, and I agree with you. Hope @sdee sees this suggestion

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I see how the idea of losing experience over time is more realistic, however I agree with @Zavian with the idea of losing all of your experience from the current level when you switch jobs. It would punish you more for switching out the jobs in the late game by losing more experience than you would in the early game since you’d need more experience to level up.

I also agree with @Helmic too. I think having a morale penalty that could cripple the efficiency a worker of a certain job can work, that would raise depending on how high his or her old job level was, would be great. I think both of these ideas are very great ones that would definitely stop the game from having too much micromanaging. All the devs would need to do would be to figure out the exact numbers of morale lost per level, whether it’s exponential, or just a flat number per level lost.