Cranes for mid/late game

This thread can be deleted, it was redundant. I have moved it over here

So here is an idea for cranes, and how they might be useful in bigger towns.

You aren’t supposed to have the crane right at the beginning, it should be something that you earn or progress toward. This is how the crane works:

  • you place the crane next to a building site
  • a hearthling gets resources and builds a building chunk on the platform of the crane. Currently they build them on the building straight away, and they’ll still do that when there are no(t enough) cranes around.
  • then the hearthling steps on the platform
  • a different hearthling operates the crane, and gets the platform to the spot on the building where the chunk belongs.
  • the hearthling on the platform hammers the chunk into place and secures it to the building.
  • the platform is brought back down to repeat the process.

Why implement this:
Building this way has two advantages to building. The general reason is that the hearthlings don’t need to path all over the building, but just need to stand next to the platform, which is somewhere on the ground. This means that the time spend climbing the building is saved, as are the computations for that pathing.


Interesting to me that everyone seems to have the same ideas for how cranes should work and why we need them.

Good point, I’ll move the post.