[Con] The footmans never attack the goblins

I can feel the effort you are putting in!

Thank you and nice job :sunny:


Ok, I fixed one big bug that causes this. There may be others, but the common error appears to be a promotion or equipment upgrade followed by a save and load. Thanks to everyone (you too @sdee!) for helping to track this down!


Okay I’m happy to know it. Thanks for the time you put into the development, it’s always good to know that it’s more than a job =D
I hope we will see this fix soon to kill this goblins =P

And will we see traps to defend ourselves soon in the game?
And with this fix will the footmen see further?

You guys are the best. I can’t imagine having better fans.

Anti-enemy traps are planned, but there’s no timeline yet. It all depends on what everyone (both us and you all) thinks will be the most fun. With the next patch, the footmen won’t see further, but they will stop ignoring goblins within their vision radius (currently 64 blocks). After we have a decent amount of content, we’ll make a balancing pass so that all the units and abilities make sense. Before then, we’re just balancing in very broad strokes because everything is changing so rapidly.


Yes it’s true and 64 blocks for now it’s reasonable I was thinking they didn’t see more than 10 blocks^^
And for me I think you’re very talented and all the other developers of the team, I’m always amaze by your work =)
Yes at the end you will have to balance the game but it will harder because there is normally a pvp =P
I can’t wait to kill in different ways the goblins =P

So what is the next combat class, maybe the archer?=P

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Continuing the discussion from [Con] The footmans never attack the goblins:

In my case I rang the town bell and 5 villagers were attacking a goblin. A patrolling footman walked by about 5-8 voxels away and did nothing. The villagers did win the fight.

@Ramcat - Were you loading a pre-r144 save game? The bug might have already been in the save game if the footman was promoted during the town bell.

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Nope, r144 game. I started all new games for this release just to make sure there were no issues.

Rats. Ok, we’ll have to track down these blind footmen too. Thanks for the info!

Am I late to the party? :wink: This still happens with me. Footman running INTO A GOBLIN and just sitting down to eat berries.


I’m still getting this one occasionally.