Building error (undo or console delete related)

develop-2611 (x64)
...nehearth/components/building/building_component.luac:124: attempt to index local 'entity' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
	radiant/modules/events.luac:44: in function <radiant/modules/events.luac:41>
	...nehearth/components/building/building_component.luac:124: in function '_trace_entity'
	...nehearth/components/building/building_component.luac:37: in function '_restore_structure_traces'
	...nehearth/components/building/building_component.luac:17: in function 'obj'
	radiant/modules/events.luac:15: in function 'self'
	radiant/modules/events.luac:56: in function <radiant/modules/events.luac:54>
	[C]: in function 'xpcall'
	radiant/modules/events.luac:54: in function <radiant/modules/events.luac:46>

develop-2611 (x64)
stonehearth/lib/build_util.luac:236: attempt to index local 'blueprint' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
	[C]: ?
	stonehearth/lib/build_util.luac:236: in function 'get_footprint_region3'
	...nehearth/components/building/building_component.luac:277: in function '_add_support_dependencies'
	...nehearth/components/building/building_component.luac:301: in function '_compute_common_dependencies'
	...nehearth/components/building/building_component.luac:298: in function '_compute_dependencies'
	...nehearth/components/building/building_component.luac:122: in function 'set_active'
	stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:39: in function 'set_active'
	stonehearth/call_handlers/build_call_handler.luac:5: in function <stonehearth/call_handlers/build_call_handler.luac:5>

develop-2611 (x64)
c++ exception: lua runtime error
stack traceback:

Meh, I wanna have beautiful stuff, but after building for like 15 minutes. Finally having it finisched. Hitting start, and BAM, in my face! Restarting or whatever doesn’t help it. So, Ill just gonna start up a little bit smaller.

If the save file is needed I can provide it. Sadly the .zip file is bigger than 3MB. So please do tell programmers!

Why can’t we have nice things? :frowning:

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i’m sure that the save would be helpful to the team, seeing as its to big to upload directly, could you upload it to a file sharing site? (such as dropbox, googledrive, etc…)

Download save file:

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awesome! i’ll page @Albert @sdee @yshan for you then as they will probably want to see this.:smile:

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I seem to be having trouble getting to that link. Can anyone else see it?

herm… i just get a “not found” error message… though it worked when he first tossed it up…

Playing with the server, sorry. This on works mates.


Paging @Albert, has this been resolved?

No. I think this was either a bug with the undo function, but maybe also if the player uses the console to manually delete a part of the building.

Got this error while i was trying to build a slag as roof upon some pillars

Like this

Then this happened

Here is the error

develop-2697 (x64)
…nehearth/components/building/building_component.luac:124: attempt to index local ‘entity’ (a nil value)
stack traceback:
radiant/modules/events.luac:84: in function <radiant/modules/events.luac:81>
…nehearth/components/building/building_component.luac:124: in function ‘_trace_entity’
…nehearth/components/building/building_component.luac:37: in function ‘_restore_structure_traces’
…nehearth/components/building/building_component.luac:17: in function ‘obj’
radiant/modules/events.luac:44: in function ‘instance’
radiant/modules/events.luac:98: in function <radiant/modules/events.luac:96>
[C]: in function ‘xpcall’
radiant/modules/events.luac:96: in function <radiant/modules/events.luac:86>

Hey there @BacMan12, did you by chance use the undo function in the building editor while building this?

@jomaxro Yes i did, so that’s what caused it

Unclear, but it may be related to this bug:

I am asking @Albert for confirmation…

Yes, I’d file them in the same category. Thanks!