I suggested a few ideas for this in the last part of this post.
Definitely some problems here, and some extra z-fighting in general that’s snuck in with the building update. Hopefully that gets touched up.
I’m torn on this, myself. On the one hand, GLASS! On the other hand, I like the look of windows as is, and glass windows feel a bit too ahistorical to me. From Wikipedia:
In England, glass became common in the windows of ordinary homes only in the early 17th century whereas windows made up of panes of flattened animal horn were used as early as the 14th century.
Modern-style floor-to-ceiling windows became possible only after the industrial plate glass making processes were perfected.
As far as I can tell, most windows in Stonehearth’s approximate “time period” would either be holes (like now) that might be covered up at night, or panes that aren’t very clear. Of course, Stonehearth isn’t supposed to be perfectly historical, anyway, and our Hearthlings are already living in relative luxury compared to medieval peasants. So I don’t really know why glass bothers me so much. Having it in the base game would help my dream mod, too.
Also, right now, don’t windows make Hearthlings think barns are less cramped? There might have to be a little extra code so glass does the same thing, but that shouldn’t really be a reason against it.
I think snow would have to suitably damage plants first, and if that gets put in, plants would also have to require sunlight, or you could just build a plain roof over your plants and avoid the costs of glass. I’d like to see glass be more expensive, too, so snow damaging your plants would be a problem you’d have to deal with for a good portion of the game, rather than immediately being able to protect all your plants. Not sure if greenhouses fit the time period, but I think they could be alright for gameplay.
Definitely needed, along with animals actually being able to find shelter.