Attempt to index local 'entity' (a nil value) --> function 'unwrap_iconic_item' .../actions/upgrade_equipment/equip_carrying_action.lua:24: in function <.../actions/upgrade_equipment/equip_carrying_action.lua:22>

it poped out of nowhere
release-523 (x64)
stonehearth/lib/entity_forms/entity_forms_lib.lua:73: attempt to index local ‘entity’ (a nil value)
stack traceback:
stonehearth/lib/entity_forms/entity_forms_lib.lua:73: in function ‘unwrap_iconic_item’
…/actions/upgrade_equipment/equip_carrying_action.lua:24: in function <…/actions/upgrade_equipment/equip_carrying_action.lua:22>
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: in function 'run’
stonehearth/components/ai/ai_component.lua:533: in function <stonehearth/components/ai/ai_component.lua:518>
[C]: in function 'xpcall’
radiant/modules/common.lua:234: in function 'xpcall’
stonehearth/components/ai/ai_component.lua:518: in function '_thread_main’
stonehearth/services/server/threads/thread.lua:249: in function <stonehearth/services/server/threads/thread.lua:246>
[C]: in function 'xpcall’
radiant/modules/common.lua:234: in function 'xpcall’
stonehearth/services/server/threads/thread.lua:246: in function 'f’
radiant/lib/env.lua:15: in function <radiant/lib/env.lua:14>
Steps to reproduce:
dont know exactly how it happened

Expected Results:
dont know exactly how it happened

Actual Results:
dont know exactly how it happened

Version Number and Mods in use:
no mod. alpha 14 release 523 stable branch
System Information:
amd a10
8go RAM
radeon dual graphics 2Go gram

A post was merged into an existing topic: UI Error from crafting window & Engine error: attempt to index local entity