Assertion failed! - in function 'create_edge_loop_for_wall'

Whenever I put the walls in building on the second floor I want to get an engine error, and half of the walls is not.

Engine Error:

release-489 (x64)
stonehearth/lib/build_util.luac:297: assertion failed!
stack traceback:
    [C]: ?
    [C]: in function 'assert'
    stonehearth/lib/build_util.luac:297: in function 'create_edge_loop_for_wall'
    stonehearth/lib/build_util.luac:334: in function 'calculate_roof_shape_around_walls'
    ...h/services/client/build_editor/grow_roof_editor.luac:48: in function '_compute_roof_region'
    ...h/services/client/build_editor/grow_roof_editor.luac:31: in function '_filter_fn' in function '_get_selected_entity' in function '_on_mouse_event' in function '_mouse_cb'
    stonehearth/services/client/input/input_capture.luac:26: in function '_dispatch'
    stonehearth/services/client/input/input_service.luac:14: in function '_dispatch_input'
    stonehearth/services/client/input/input_service.luac:1: in function <stonehearth/services/client/input/input_service.luac:1>

I have a German Mod!

Gameversion Alpha 13 release -489 (x64)


My System: Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q9550 2,83GHz
8,00 GB Ram
Nvidia GTX 550 Ti
Win 7 64 Bit(Original)

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I sometimes don’t even get an error, it just glitches so I can’t even make a second floor, and sometimes it just instantly deletes it, please devs, please fix this annoyance!

When I load the savegame again I get a new Engine Error

Here the Message:

release-489 (x64)
…hearth/renderers/fabricator/fabricator_renderer.luac:8: assertion failed!
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
[C]: in function ‘assert’
…hearth/renderers/fabricator/fabricator_renderer.luac:8: in function <…hearth/renderers/fabricator/fabricator_renderer.luac:4>


release-489 (x64)c++ exception: lua runtime errorstack traceback:

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Hey there @DarkNova, welcome to the Discourse! Thanks for the report.

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Hi @jomaxro
What is the code so that it looks like the top to scroll?

One knows exactly when the next patch will come?
Is the description properly as I’ve written?

If errors in a text should I translate with Google Translate

To mark a section of text as code, surround it by triple backticks ```.

For example, this:

int a = 1;
int b = 2;
int c = a + b;
cout << c;

would look like this:

int a = 1;
int b = 2;
int c = a + b;

Nope, sorry! It is estimated to come out this month, but things change all the time.

Yep, your description is just fine :smile:.

Feel free to post in English and German. We have some native German speakers (like @Wiese2007), so we should be covered in both languages!



So I just need to insert ```?

You need 3 of them (back ticks), both before and after the text you wish to make code.

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I’ve got the same problem as I was trying to create a second floor.

release-491 (x64)
stonehearth/components/wall/wall_component.luac:106: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
stonehearth/components/wall/wall_component.luac:106: in function ‘connect_to_columns’
stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:234: in function ‘init_fn’
stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:123: in function ‘_create_blueprint’
stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:234: in function ‘_create_wall’
stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:232: in function ‘_add_wall_span’
stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:199: in function ‘visitor_fn’
stonehearth/lib/build_util.luac:270: in function ‘grow_walls_around’
stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:199: in function ‘grow_walls’
stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:189: in function ‘cb’
stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:304: in function ‘do_command’
stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:189: in function <stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:188>

release-491 (x64)
c++ exception: lua runtime error
stack traceback:

Is all it says. Also got a picture of the house so you see what I was trying to do, maybe it’s because of the hole? ^^

It also is not possible to remove the building after that. You need to reload the savefile and then remove it.
If I try to remove it I get another error.

release-491 (x64)…hearth/services/server/build/build_undo_manager.luac:108: assertion failed!stack traceback:
[C]: ?
[C]: in function ‘assert’
…hearth/services/server/build/build_undo_manager.luac:108: in function ‘clear’
stonehearth/services/server/build/build_service.luac:44: in function ‘set_teardown’
stonehearth/call_handlers/build_call_handler.luac:7: in function < stonehearth/call_handlers/build_call_handler.luac:6>

Hey there @Cerasum92, welcome to the Discourse! Thanks for the report.

You are likely correct that the whole in the floor is causing issues with the wall. I would suggest building the second floor walls first, then cut the hole.

Since so I could remove the house plan of the house complete with a trick I can not have a house site on the more I build sat the floor and when I click on the walls and it is the mouse pointer is shown as X I go to a different location can I just do not build at the location of the defective house

I also get since the incident whatsoever when I load the savegame an Error message Engine

Hallo hab gesehen das du meine Meldung geliket hast^^
ka wie man das Herz noch nennen kann ausser geliket

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Nu klar warum auch nicht :wink: Jede Info hilft :smiley:

Eng: Yes why not? :wink: Every info helps :smiley:


Irgend eine Idee was die Fehler auslösen könnte da ja auch das Spiel und auch die generierte Map sehr einschränken können
Der Fehler beim Savegame laden hängt mit allen hier genannte punkten zsm ich kann zwar nicht Programmierer oder so aber manchmal stimmen meine Vermutungen aber jetzt komm ich auf keine Idee oder Auslöser Idee

hmmm ich vermute das hat damit zu tun das ihr das mauertool für einzelne wände verwendet und nicht das tool zum automatischen Mauern setzen^^ ist das richtig?

eng: hmmm i think this will be triggered because you use the tool for single walls and not for this correct?


Wenn ich das Fundament gebaut hab und wähle die wand aus und geh auf das Fundament baut er rund um das ganze Fundament die Mauer wenn ich dann klicke
das ist doch die automatische Funktion dann oder?

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ok jo das ist die autofunktion … hmmm ^^

eng: ok you use the autofunction … hmmm ^^

Aber dann versteh ich nicht wenn der Fehler in den Datein der Hausteilen Datei sind und er beim bau vom 2.Stockwerk den Fehler ausspuckt warum er jetzt bei jedemmal Spielstand laden auch ein Error Engine ausspuckt

Ich geh davon aus das bei jedem neuladen halt der gleiche fehler Auftritt… Kann ich aber leider nicht nachschauen da ich nicht an den Quellcode rankomme xD bin halt kein Mitarbeiter von TR und mache nur die deutsche Lokalisierung xD

@Wiese2007, @DarkNova, in english, please (even if it’s from Google Translator).
We want to help the devs to fix the bugs. If you’re discussing just between yourselves, you can do it via PM.

The more info we put here, the easier it will be for the devs. :slightly_smiling: