Another error related to water / waterfalls


I think I have created a savegame with a reproducible error related to a waterfall, I guess. I haven’t found a related thread yet, sorry if I just didn’t see it.

release-489 (x64)
stonehearth/components/water/water_component.luac:281: assertion failed!
stack traceback:
radiant/modules/common.luac:46: in function <radiant/modules/common.luac:46>
[C]: in function 'assert’
stonehearth/components/water/water_component.luac:281: in function '_remove_height’
stonehearth/components/water/water_component.luac:105: in function '_remove_water’
stonehearth/components/water/water_component.luac:180: in function ‘fill_channel_from_water_region’
…earth/services/server/hydrology/channel_manager.luac:180: in function ‘callback_fn’
…earth/services/server/hydrology/channel_manager.luac:58: in function ‘each_channel_ascending’
…earth/services/server/hydrology/channel_manager.luac:180: in function ‘fill_channels_to_capacity’
…rth/services/server/hydrology/hydrology_service.luac:260: in function ‘_on_tick’
…rth/services/server/hydrology/hydrology_service.luac:14: in function '_fn’
radiant/controllers/timer_controller.luac:33: in function 'fire’
radiant/controllers/time_tracker_controller.luac:9: in function <radiant/controllers/time_tracker_controller.luac:9>
[C]: in function 'xpcall’
radiant/controllers/time_tracker_controller.luac:9: in function ‘set_now’
…earth/services/server/calendar/calendar_service.luac:133: in function 'fn’
radiant/modules/events.luac:97: in function <radiant/modules/events.luac:96>
[C]: in function 'xpcall’
radiant/modules/events.luac:96: in function 'trigger’
radiant/modules/events.luac:121: in function '_trigger_gameloop’
radiant/modules/events.luac:150: in function '_update’
radiant/server.luac:19: in function <radiant/server.luac:17>

I’m not 100% sure how I made this happen, but it might have to do with a lake on a mountain at the edge of a map. I have started digging a 4 x 4 x 5 channel from the lake towards and over the edge of the mountain’s upper level. One level below (lets call it mid level), still mountain area, I’ve let my Hearthlings dig another 4 x 4 x 5 channel from below the first channel towards the edge to the lower mountain level, and also over the edge creating another waterfall. On the lower mountain level I’ve let the Hearthlings dig another 4 x 4 x 5 channel, but only a few blocks. I removed the 4 x 4 x 5 area between the channel and the lake, and watched the water flow far over the edge, hitting the channel on mid level, and then the lower level channel. The water was also spreading around the lower level channel, which unfortunatly was a little short.
When the lake had run empty to a level where no more water would follow, I let the Hearthlings extend the lower level channel by a few blocks towards the next edge.

Somewhere on the way this error occured and since occures everytime I load the savegame.
@support: I can provide you the savegame to reproduce the error on your own machines.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bug when tapping into lakes/ponds