StoneHearth Lore and stories

Here’s a story, told by a soldiers journal after many years. (tone is dark and the teller is wary)

It’s been a week now, since the goblins came… it was so fast, there wasn’t, any time to prepare… The first hours were bloody, they had, somehow gotten inside the walls before they could be stopped. Many people were lost before they were pushed back. Even Burlyhands’s brother hadn’t made it. When we had finally figured out what was going on and ridden them from within the walls, the real force had already appeared. Our city was big but nothing we had should have caused the chaos and loss brought on by this atta-… no, this wasn’t an attack… this was an invasion, for what caused this a mystery, but in the force they came in it doesn’t matter. We almost made it you know, we had, almost made it! Not a single loss when… he appeared… we’d * heavy sigh * never seen anything like him before, he was, a titan among men. By this point it wasn’t even a fight, it was a slaughter, our best men, lost in a second. I’m only here now because Burlyhands helped me escape with the others. But the few of us who made it through this sit ready now, to start a new tale, and win this land back for our people! FOR THE KING, FOR OUR LAND, for our people…

And so ends tale of this brave soldier, and here starts a new tale, and a goal, to win this land back as they’re own. (start game)
So, anyone like it? :smile_cat:
It’s best to read it with pauses, I also decided to have no names (other then Burlyhands of course) because so far we don"t know the names of characters yet. And I made this as an interesting story of how your settlers got there.