Random "one off" professions / linked to scenarios / increases replayability

This sounds like a pretty cool idea–it’d certainly make each playthrough more interesting. The one thing that might be troubling is the concept of “consuming” the talisman for the unique class. Does this mean that the unit in question can never switch to another class without forever losing the unique class, or that this unit would retain this class (and potentially be able to switch back and forth whenever it seems convenient)? Also, how would the class’s gear be handled (such as weapons and clothing)? Would this be something your regular Weaver/Tailor would be able to handle, or would it have to be something only acquired randomly by traders? (Personally, the latter seems better, but there’d need to be some way to limit how much this clutters up trading with “class-specific” gear rather than general items and goods)

I wouldn’t mind a good number of these if the concept was implemented to Stonehearth. Hopefully with a little more time and development, maybe we can start to see something along this line.

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