[Dev Blog] Stonehearth Alpha r27 is up!

I got it, I was just saying that to be fair to you it wasn’t always in there, so that might be why you assumed it wasn’t there, cause it wasn’t there originally :stuck_out_tongue:

Product version is 27, I can see that by clicking the word “stonehearth” in the lower right corner of the screen, it then brings up an overlay with a bunch of build info.,

just via the settings menu… click the checkbox (you have to restart the client)…


edit: d3rp, just read @Smokestacks identical response… :smile:

Funny thing is there is no “settings” menu visible, however I found it by moving my mouse around in the upper right corner of the game screen. Something is really screwy here.

I’m starting to wonder if things are screwed up because the game doesn’t like that I have dual monitors and am playing the game on my extra monitor instead of the built in laptop display.

it sounds as though you are “zoomed in” for lack of a better explanation… im curious what resolution you seem to be trapped at…

Well, my monitor is set to 1920x1200 and that’s what most if not all of my games play at.

Does it work if you full screen in that settings menu though?

And what, you mean like a mouseover effect? When you go over that area it appears but not until then? That is a bit odd, certainly not what mine’s like. Mine is perhaps a bit faint, but always visible.

Okay, if I force my monitor to run at something like 1600x900 then I see the buttons at the top right of the screen and the bottom right is no longer cut off but at 1920x1200 the game refuses to display correctly.

I’ll try 1920x1080 next and see if it’s okay at that res on my setup.

EDIT: Actually my monitor won’t even allow me to set it to 1920x1080 it goes from 1680x1050 up to it’s native resolution of 1920x1200 but skips 1920x1080 all together in Windows 8. But game runs okay at 1680x1050 just not at 1920x1200

Maybe I’ll have to dig out my newer monitor that is native at 1920x1080 and give that a try, I’m thinking that native res of 1920x1200 the game can’t seem to handle properly.

yeah, the visual looks somewhat like a letterbox display… with the main SH splash screen below, and the thin black strip at the top, with the menu options in the right-hand corner…

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Well that is odd, and probably a tad disappointing for Radiant, who surely must have thought they’d got all the resolution issues and could now get on with the game!

Ah well, better to catch it now than later :stuck_out_tongue:

My villagers after a short time at night just stop and stand still. They have a grand old time just swaying back and forth while life flies by.


Hmmm…dual monitors might be the factor here, though we have someone that actually does development with a laptop/monitor setup.

But, I think I have enough info to repro the problem and have it fixed for our next push. Thanks for all the feedback!

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for Raya’s sake man, get some rest… :zzz:

will you be participating in the Indie Showcase stream tomorrow?

Can someone explain me how the update title system work? what does ‘‘r27’’ means?

that simply stands for “release”, just another term for the client/build, etc.

its just Radiant’s internal numbering convention for each new client that is released… :+1:



No indie showcases (showcasii?) for me; taking the weekend for some recharging, then back to the front lines on Monday. Have a great weekend!


The new version is a significant upgrade to the original version we all played on December 30th.

indeed… recharging as well… :wink:

who (from Radiant) will be in attendance? has anyone been watching the stream? some really fun games on tap…

have a great weekend as well!

are we able to build a roof on a house yet?

No not yet I’m afraid!

I think the team have made quite a bit of progress so far in just a couple of weeks, hopefully we’ll see more construction functionality soon :slight_smile:

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