I feel lazy to read all of the past post ( but I might read it sometime, not now ) so I’m gonna list down all the classes I can think of for this game including their weapons and description.
Weapon: Single or Two-Handed Sword
Description: Mastering the art of swordplay disregarded their need for heavy armor and plating, trading defense for more speed and lethal hits.
Weapon: Heavy Two-Handed Axe or Poleaxe
Description: Beast like warriors cladded in heavy dense steel armor and armed with heavy dealing-damage weapons. They are slow walkers and most recommended guarding important areas of your town.
Weapon: Scythe
Description: Balanced soldiers capable of harming multiple enemies with one strike from his/her scythe.
Weapon: Greatsword
Description: Elite soldiers wielding swords of tremendous size that can pushback enemy with one swing. They are slow but not as slow as the goliath.
Weapon: Spear
Description: Soldiers with hardened experience on the ways of battle. Their unwavering loyalty makes them resistant to bribery.
Weapon: Dagger or Knife ( Throweable )
Description: The death troopers of any kingdom. Stealthy shadow lurkers that assassinate whoever is a threat to the one they swore loyalty. They are best used during night where visibility is low.
Weapon: Dual Sword ( Each Individually Equipped )
Description: Fast attackers ready to strike with a second blade. They can dash to deliver a heavy knockback to the enemy but are vulnerable to magic.
Weapon: Composite Bow
Description: Good scout and support. ( If FOW is implemented ) Their range of sight more sharp compared to any unit available.
Weapon: Musket or Hand Cannon
Description: Civilians trained with the basic way of handling the innovative musket. Even if they deal heavy damage, their speed, melee combat skill and reloading speed is low.
Weapon: Gigantic Crossbow ( not the Siege type )
Description: Elite crossbow users wielding formidable crossbows that deal heavy splash damage. The downside are they are slow to reload and the crossbow needs to deploy.
Weapon: Musket Rifle, Longbow and Salvo Crossbow
Description: All around masters of ranged weapons. They are the elite wielders of bows and musket, improving both the rate of fire and range.
Weapon: Tome ( Magic Book ) or Staff ( or Stave )
Description: Basic practitioners of magic able to cast basic elemental and support magic. They lack physical defense so they are best as supporters.
Weapon: Grimoire
Description: Magicians which learned the secret of familiar summoning allowed them to call their trusted companions anytime and anywhere whenever a battle starts.
Weapon: Holy Relic
Description: Devout aid to anyone in need. These divine followers can stave off the unholy and support the just. Their mind and heart might be unwavering but their bodies are very frail.
Weapon: Holy Cross
Description: Hardened magic users ready to recieve heavy physical damage. Their strong sense of justice and temperance has made them resistant to any forms of debuff.
Weapon Elemental Stone ( or Mineral )
Description: Mages who are ready to take their studies of magicraft to the next step. Elementalist are casters of the 4 anima ( or natural ) elements: thunder, wind, fire and water. NOTE: No earth element since there is alread the Geomancer.
Weapon: Codex
Description: Magicians heavily relying on magic circles to cast spells. Best used as supporter since their spells deal heavy damages within a large radius.
NOTE: Add horses and give it the option to either ride or kill them ( you get horse meat for killing ).
NOTE 2: It doesn’t necessarily have to be horse always. If possible, dragons would be a good mount ( Flying or non-flying ).
Item: I can’t think of something.
Description: Utilizing the gift of nature, they use different kinds of plant in order to concoct a wide variety of potions for various situations.
Dairy Maker
Item: Milk Bucket
Description: With the bucket at hand, they gather milk and convert it to different kinds of dairy product. LOL!
Item: Any musical instrument
Description: Men/Women with many intriguing tales accompanied with a soothing music boosts the morale of anyone listening to them.
War Mount Master <------------------ This isn’t a good name, I can’t think of something good.
Item: Saddle
Description: Masters of every tamed mounteable creatures. They are the ones responsible for preparing and training horses, dragons and any creatures that ordered to take to the battlefield.
Item: Wooden Spatula
Description: Makers of baked products like plain bread, cookies, biscuits, cakes, jam filled pastry and many more.
Item: Bible
Description: Responsible for spreading the word of God and helping the needy, they increase the morale of the followers to the one true God.
Druid Farmer
Item: Druid Cane
Description: Druids assigned to plant and harvest mystical and abominous plants. From gigantic plants to carnivorous and dangerous fruits and shoots, it’s all under this farmer’s care.
These are all of it so far.
EDIT 2: Added even more class suggestion.