Building speed benchmark

My 10.5 benchmark results:


I consider this to be a HUGE improvement.

“But it’s only 4 minutes less!” you might say.

The previous test exponentially became slower - the second floor was slower than the first, the third was over twice as slow as the second, and the fourth dragged on for ages.

Here’s tonight’s timeline:

Floor 1 - 50s
Floor 2 - 2:15
Floor 3 - 5:00
At this point, many of the workers went to sleep
Floor 4

  • Flooring - 10:09
  • Corner columns - 12:26
  • Walls - 23:38
  • Roof - 24:00
    Final Time - 25:49
    The workers stopped to eat while the scaffolding was halfway torn down… in an ideal test, this would’ve been 20-30 seconds less

In this case, the construction was very fast until the fourth floor was reached. I don’t know if there’s any significance to them sleeping at this point. Similarly, I noticed that while working on the fourth floor, the stockpile wood had run out. There was plenty of wood by the building, however, piled under the scaffolding:

Not sure if this has any significance - it sure looks annoying

It also might be worth mentioning that gameplay returned to full speed anytime they stopped working on walls and ran downstairs to raise the scaffolding. Upon building the next row of scaffolding, the game would lag once more.

Anyways, thanks @Ponder, 10.5 seems to run a lot faster! I don’t know what’s wrong with the 4th floor, as I could’ve built four three-storey buildings instead of it, but floors 1-3 are lightning quick.

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