relatively simple question, with a probably less simple answer!
lets talk resource nodes:
i want to have my charcoal mound harvestable (when its done, so think tree thats done growing)
for 8-9 ish coal, and 2-3 ish clay. im not particular if this is always the same, or more randomised.
so i reverse engineerde what i could, and made this:
"stonehearth:resource_node": {
"durability": 10,
"resource": "nordlingmod:charcoal",
"resource_loot_table": {
"entries": {
"optional": {
"num_rolls": {
"min": 2,
"max": 2
"items": {
"pelt": {
"uri": "stonehearth:resources:clay:clay_mound",
"weight": 1
am i reading this right and are the random rolls done once-per-harvest-action total. or is it x times-per-chop?
so the above would either give me 10 charcoal, and 2 clay, or would it give me 10 charcoal, and 20 clay :’)?
@max99x maybe?