I’ve made the decision to cancel this month’s final of the Qubicle competition. With the possibility of only 2 or 3 submissions for the final I felt that it would be best to cancel this month, and roll everything into next months final.
The competition itself is now on a bit of a break and will resume on the 30th September with each week being Halloween themed in some way - I’ll announce those shortly. The weeks that have been announced already:
Mythical Creatures
Will all be postponed until November.
Just to reiterate, finalists from this month have automatically earned a place into next months final.
I will contact @Tim to see about offering the top two places next month a copy of Qubicle.
I am also looking to provide more prizes for next month, we’ll see where I get with that!
Feel free to post your rage filled comments here regarding this terrible decision.
Good gracious you Americans are easy to offend I hadn’t meant it offensively! I was just surprised at the way round they were, guess it just proves how well you guys did in rejuvenating the Writer’s