Well, I suppose there is that, but we don’t really know how the population growth will be handled specifically apart from that it will be dependent on food growth.
Perhaps it should be put back into it’s own space - @SteveAdamo thoughts and innermost feelings?
it is… immensely personal… but then, thats why you all flock here, to experience our loving and caring environment eagerly await the next juicy tidbit of SH news…
i suppose we can just leave it as is… no reason to break the internetz by “un-merging” content…
You may want to implement both birth and prosperity into population growth. They way I look at it, in the real world a couple can only reproduce every 10 to 12 months. If you use a similar system where members of the population can only reproduce at certain intervals this would be a slow way of gaining citizens. By adding in travelers you can increase the speed at which you gain population, but personally I would not make it immediate, there should be some lag between travelers. After all a person or a family of up too 5 may move to a new town, but you don’t see a horde of 20 or 30 descend on a town with staying in mind.
I think an opposite mechanic should be included too. Lets say you are attacked by Orcs or Goblins and your food production is destroyed. Obviously some of the population would die of starvation, but some should choose to move out to find better cities, or places where food is less scarce. (This would especially be useful in a multiplayer setting where population could be a commodity)
Another thing to think of if you use a reproduction system for population is that there were not many functional contraceptives in medieval societies. So although the reproduction growth may slow down when the city has reached it’s population limit it doesn’t stop. this would give you another reason for the “Move out” mechanic. and in multiplayer games you could then be able to click on the character sheet for that character and find out in what city he was born.