No matching overload found, candidates: Point3 get_standable_point


This one looked quite nasty so I thought id share.

develop-2820 (x64)
No matching overload found, candidates: Point3 get_standable_point(lua_State*,Physics&,Point3 const&) Point3 get_standable_point(lua_State*,Physics&,custom [class std::weak_ptr],Point3 const&)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'get_standable_point’
radiant/modules/terrain.lua:68: in function ‘place_entity’
…th/ai/actions/pickup_placed_item_adjacent_action.lua:66: in function <…th/ai/actions/pickup_placed_item_adjacent_action.lua:38>
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: ?
[C]: in function ‘run’
…tonehearth/services/server/tasks/run_task_action.lua:143: in function <…tonehearth/services/server/tasks/run_task_action.lua:141>

[C]: in function 'run’
stonehearth/components/ai/ai_component.lua:532: in function <stonehearth/components/ai/ai_component.lua:517>
[C]: in function 'xpcall’
radiant/modules/common.lua:232: in function 'xpcall’
stonehearth/components/ai/ai_component.lua:517: in function '_thread_main’
stonehearth/services/server/threads/thread.lua:249: in function <stonehearth/services/server/threads/thread.lua:246>
[C]: in function 'xpcall’
radiant/modules/common.lua:232: in function 'xpcall’
stonehearth/services/server/threads/thread.lua:246: in function 'f’
radiant/lib/env.lua:15: in function <radiant/lib/env.lua:14>

Steps to reproduce:

  1. It happened whilst moving berry bush’s, Not sure if its connected.

Expected Results: N/A

Actual Results: N/A

Notes: N/A

Attachments: N/A

Version Number and Mods in use: Alpha 14 develop-2820 (x64)

System Information: Windows 7 64Bit 16G RAM,CPU = Intel i5 3.30GHz. GPU = 2048 ATI Radeon Sapphire 7870

A post was merged into an existing topic: Error from moving things?