Merry Christmas!

Happy birth, I mean, Merry Christmas! :cold_sweat:

I shall now resume my work of making a Stonehearth parody of “The Twelve Days of Christmas”

Merry Christmas :christmas_tree:

Merry Christ-mass :wink:

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It has been an interesting 7 months and I can safely say it has helped a beautiful relationship flourish.

@steveadamo and myself will be inviting you all to our Christmas dinner.

On a serious note I hope everyone has a great time and you can be sure I’ll be around on Christmas day for those of you who are here :slight_smile:

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N’aww… :smile: Thanks!

I should hope you are! You’ll never know what @Newf could cause while you’re gone… :scream:

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It sure has, and the best part is playing the Alpha of Stonehearth on the 30th of the month! :video_game:

Yay! Will there be cake? :cake:

Thanks. Oh, and @SteveAdamo has been terrorizing the forums ever since you left. :scream_cat:


you bet your keister I have… now, back in the cage, or it’s the hose for you again…


@EpicDwarf should watch out… the hose is deadly. Pick your fights carefully, my dwarven friend.

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Did he hose you too? @Geoffers747 leaves for just a week and the forum is in shambles already.

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Well Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to everyone here!

It’s been a good half a year, and although I’m no longer here by choice,

looks down at the chain around his wrist

I could have a worse fate. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve only been here for 2 months, and I have the chain… I don’t think any of us are here by choice now. @SteveAdamo is too powerful! :scream:


Powerful, yes… handsome, of course…

but it’s all tempered with generosity too… You do get fresh bread and water every two days, do you not?

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Proof reading time! and* not ad… :wink: But yes… I get enough to live on… plus my proof-reading salary… cough cough

Geez I caught that two seconds after I posted it … I love these smart phones

I also caught it close to two seconds after… it appears you have competition, sir. :wink: I still don’t have my salary… looking at you @Geoffers747 and @SteveAdamo

Happy Holidays everyone!

Laziness is lazy…


Ooh… that voxel santa looks good. :wink: If only I could use Qubicle like an expert.

thanks, I just broke the “like” button… :smile:

that is some brilliant work @Relyss, as usual…

Thanks, although the image has several mistakes I didn’t correct because I was too lazy. And Blender keeps rendering colors its way…

I wish you all an merry christmas and perhaps it will give an christmas present from stonehearth today :wink: