Invincible orc refuses to die

BTW, it fixes after restarting, but it may be a problem if u didnt see it and your footman would die of starvation as he would run for ever to kill the goblin

Welcome to the forum, @un_lince_cosmico :slightly_smiling_face:

With Alpha 22 you mean release 737?

I was wondering if anyone had seen this bug on A22.5, since we haven’t heard reports about it recently.

I just wanted to concur with this post, and add the temporary fix I’ve found. I noticed if I will save and restart the game the enemy immediately dies, like the game knew it had no hit points left, but had an issue actually killing it off. Thankees!

I play latest version available, fyi.

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One of the goblins was invincible until I saved, exited to main menu and loaded again.

Steps to reproduce:

Expected Results:

Actual Results:


Attachments: 1505557533921.rar (9.4 MB)

Version Number and Mods in use:

System Information:

I got attacked by a single varanus in the very eraly game (population of 8). Despite having two footmen, both level 2 with sields and pdded vests, they died doing NO gamage to the attacking enemy.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start a building overhanging a cliff
  2. Have a varanus attack
  3. Have two footmen fight the beast on the ladders (1 above, 1 below)

Expected Results:
Beast dying

Actual Results:
Both footmen dying, beast not taking ANY damage.

I tried quitting the game and re-loading by using “continue” in the main menu. The immortal varanus is still going door to door and basing all my enterances without any way to kill it.

NONE - the error message did not save despite clicking “copy to clipboard”. As much as I remember, the mesage had an error regarding AI and pathfinding after 10 cycles. That’s as much as I can remember.

Version Number and Mods in use:

System Information:
Win 10x64, Intel i5-3210M, 8gigs of ram, GTX 660M

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Small update:
After basing every door in the vilage it despawned.

The error message should have copied to the clipboard just fine :thinking:

But it can also be seen in your stonehearth.log. However, if you restarted the game since then, the log will have been overwritten.

This bug fixes on reloading, not sure if the error you saw was caused by the varanus itself, did you see any specific name in the error?

Could you upload that savefile?

Would it still be useful AFTER the thing despawned? Because I am pretty sure I did override that save (included) (6.4 MB)

ogo the ogre- the hero no one asked for
orcs be like:

someone please make a montage with ogo destroying an entire village. needs to happen. :joy:

Random Goblin in a wave will not get hurt by anything or will get 1 bar down and regenerate it instantly. No healers or any other enemy units to support it. Goblin currently engages against 2 lvl 6 knights with full armor, 5 footmen lvl 6 fully upgraded, 8 turrets, 8 traps in chole point where enemy is currently located and i have it in x4 speed and he still there getting clobbered by all my guys. definitely a bug.


he died. it only took me 15 minutes to kil him

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when in doubt lower the game speed. speed 3 is not stable.

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