Hearthling AI "Freezing"

So, every few seconds, my game “freezes” in the sense that my Hearthlings don’t move and nothing in the game world updates, but I can still click buttons and move the camera around.

This happens on all speeds except pause. I’m playing 1.0 as the Northern Alliance in the Arctic biome, in normal mode. I don’t have a ton of items lying around everywhere, and I only have 12 Hearthlings, so I don’t think it’s that. No increase in RAM/CPU/GPU usage either.

My only hypothesis is that it has something to do with the fact that I currently have Ogo’s army trapped on a mountain (no pun intended) as I level up my carpenter to make the windchimes. Maybe their pathfinding is screwing up my game?

yup this is it, make sure they can get to you if you dont want the freezing, what happens is the game take time to make checks for every AI in the game that trying ot get somewhere, if it cant find away it conts to check over and over every few secs till a route is available to go

This, unfortunately it’s not the most efficient piece of code in the world…