Error A23 construction_render_tracker


error A23 construction_render_tracker

Got the below error when building a couple of building. Save file attached. not sure how to reproduce

release-765 (x64)[M][C]
…ices/client/renderer/construction_render_tracker.lua:20: attempt to index field ‘_bp’ (a nil value)
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
…ices/client/renderer/construction_render_tracker.lua:20: in function ‘__user_init’
radiant/lib/unclasslib.lua:270: in function ‘__init’
radiant/lib/unclasslib.lua:201: in function ‘ConstructionRenderTracker’
…earth/renderers/scaffolding/scaffolding_renderer.lua:51: in function ‘__user_init’
radiant/lib/unclasslib.lua:270: in function ‘__init’
radiant/lib/unclasslib.lua:201: in function <radiant/lib/unclasslib.lua:199>

release-765 (x64)[M][C]
c++ exception: lua runtime error
stack traceback:

Attachments: (4.0 MB)

Version Number and Mods in use:
A23 no mods

A post was merged into an existing topic: A23 Trader Appeared and I Got This Error