I am summarizing some bugs, issues and small problems while playing version :
I have started a new game as NA (no reembarkation), as recommended in the patch notes, using no mods except ACE - but i did use two in the beggining and then deactivated them during gameplay, BEAM (stats customization) and 6 starting hearthlings. I started a new game in version .
The issue i found: i have seem the shepperd moving in a rather freezing-“micro step” way, with the status changing very fast between idle and “resting by the fire”, and the result is that he ends up walking very slowly sometimes. I found a similar issue with my archer (and perhaps my military team), but i can not confirm what his status was.
I got this message while playing.
release-949 (x64)[M]
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘each’ of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘each’ of undefined
at n._updatePresetTooltips (http://radiant/stonehearth_ace/ui/game/modes/zones_mode/stockpile/stockpile.js:443:27)
at invoke (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.min.js:1:7142)
at n.flush (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.min.js:1:7689)
at a.end (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.min.js:1:2462)
at http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.min.js:1:1288
- I saw a critter trap floating very high in the air, standing still.
- A bone material appeared in the MIDDLE of the lake.
- My crafters are ignoring bins and input tables, they are heading straight towards stockpiles and woden crates.
- Not really a problem, but there are some weird descriptions within shepperd recipes that do not match the required ingredients.
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- Not sure wether it is a bug or just a typo, but as soon as i got amberstone residents i got a message saying “new cook and brewer recipes unlocked”, yet only one recipe was unlocked (tea for brewer using heirbloom stalks), i did not get any new recipes for the cook.
- Not sure wether it is a bug or intented, but the whiteout effects are being shown inside closed places, like houses and closed mines (with tunnel doors).
- From time to time i am getting some of those black screen messages. The last one was this:
release-949 (x64)[M]
radiant/modules/entities.lua:30: assertion failed: Attempting to create an entity without a uri. If it is a temporary entity that shouldn’t be saved, use stonehearth:object:transient
stack traceback:
[C]: in function ‘report_error’
radiant/modules/commons.lua:58: in function <radiant/modules/commons.lua:51>
[C]: in function ‘error’
radiant/modules/commons.lua:245: in function ‘assert’
radiant/modules/entities.lua:30: in function ‘create_entity’
…th/services/server/food_decay/food_decay_service.lua:202: in function ‘_convert_to_rotten_form’
…hearth_ace/monkey_patches/ace_food_decay_service.lua:49: in function ‘increment_decay’
…th/services/server/food_decay/food_decay_service.lua:142: in function ‘_on_decay’
…th/services/server/food_decay/food_decay_service.lua:37: in function ‘fn’
radiant/controllers/timer_controller.lua:75: in function ‘fire’
radiant/controllers/time_tracker_controller.lua:91: in function <radiant/controllers/time_tracker_controller.lua:91>
[C]: in function ‘xpcall’
radiant/modules/commons.lua:67: in function ‘xpcall’
radiant/controllers/time_tracker_controller.lua:91: in function ‘set_now’
…hearth/services/server/calendar/calendar_service.lua:538: in function ‘_on_event_loop’
…hearth/services/server/calendar/calendar_service.lua:58: in function <…hearth/services/server/calendar/calendar_service.lua:57>
[C]: ?
[C]: in function ‘trigger’
radiant/modules/events.lua:63: in function ‘_update’
radiant/server.lua:67: in function <radiant/server.lua:64>
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- Up to now around three times i got loot in the middle of the lake, and it is not winter. Duck stuff.
- Today i tried to create a second military party and as soon as i ordered that party to move this message appeared:
release-949 (x64)[M]
…th/ai/actions/find_best_reachable_entity_by_type.lua:65: attempt to index field ‘CURRENT’ (a nil value)
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
…th/ai/actions/find_best_reachable_entity_by_type.lua:65: in function <…th/ai/actions/find_best_reachable_entity_by_type.lua:64>
(tail call): ?
stonehearth/components/item_finder/item_search.lua:214: in function <stonehearth/components/item_finder/item_search.lua:204>
(tail call): ?
- got this error as soon as the quest appeared. The game closed.
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- Now i can confirm, only much later did i learn the recipe for amberstone teapot; so yes, i was capable of crating it before properly learning.
- Got this error today. Seems harmless, up to now.
release-949 (x64)[M]
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘property’ of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘property’ of undefined
at Object.l.property (http://radiant/stonehearth/ui/root/js/libs/ember-1.8.1.min.js:8:6356)
at j (http://radiant/radiant/js/external/jquery-2.1.4.min.js:2:26925)
at Object.add [as progress] (http://radiant/radiant/js/external/jquery-2.1.4.min.js:2:27234)
at Object. (http://radiant/radiant/js/radiant/trace.js:122:23)
at j (http://radiant/radiant/js/external/jquery-2.1.4.min.js:2:26925)
at Object.fireWith [as notifyWith] (http://radiant/radiant/js/external/jquery-2.1.4.min.js:2:27738)
at Object.e.(anonymous function) [as notify] (http://radiant/radiant/js/external/jquery-2.1.4.min.js:2:28718)
at http://radiant/radiant/js/radiant/object.js:44:35
at Array.forEach (native)
at Function.j.each.j.forEach (http://radiant/radiant/js/external/underscore-1.5.2.min.js:5:599)