Radiant + Riot Games

I’m not sure I understand then. Is this an acquisition? If so, Riot is in complete control, and any assurances otherwise from Riot are subject to change at any time, without notice and for any reason.

The last 10 years of acquisitions and developer destruction have left me extremely cynical. I have yet to see a small indie developer be acquired by a megalith, and retain its identity. I backed an indie developer with a vision, and feel a little sick, honestly. LoL has a .,… let’s say questionable art style and community.

Please correct me if I’m wrong: Riot has the full legal right to, at any time and without notice, dictate direction of the game, the game’s budget, cancel the game outright, set a schedule, and mandate content. Whether or not they have currently stated they will or won’t do any of these things, the legal right to do so is present and always will be.

I feel like if the company was going to be sold to a juggernaut, why the Kickstarter? Was this the plan all along…? Again, every time I’ve seen an announcement to the effect of “wonderful parent company is now here to provide us with resources and support!!111!11!” what’s instead happened is the project changes direction, the company culture alters radically, and no good comes of it.

As both a backer and an oft-disappointed gamer, I’d like to know why this time will be different, and if the “complete control of Stonehearth’s destiny” is in any way contractually guaranteed.