[MOD] Stonehearth Cafe (Cooking And Farming Expansion) Discontinued

Froggy first of all great mod. I am getting the error promoting a cook as seen on Feb 15th. I am running 0.1.0 (release 256) x64, redownloaded your mod and started a new world with no luck.
Let me know if you need me to provide something else.

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@RepeatPan fixed it before I had chance to look at it. Heā€™s good like that.

Thanks for letting me know. Please let me know if you have further issues.


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Excellent! Confirmed it works great! Thanks for the speedy update. Iā€™ll troll through to see what the issue was.

There was a change to the jobs controller in Build 240.


Excellent thanks. Makes it easier to find when you tell us exactly where to look! Iā€™ll be sure to check the change log next time.

Sounds like a good idea! All it needs us a green roof, a logo of mermaid and a few villagers who yell there conversations :joy:

Welcome to Farmville

Introducing the Apiary, Beeā€™s, Honey, and Honey cooking recipes.

Coming soon to a discourse near youā€¦


good work Froggy. Looking forward to the bees, or am I just blind :see_no_evil:


i keep getting an error whenever i try unpacking the contents

Warning, this video contains spoilers and is awful, because itā€™s the first time Iā€™ve tried anything like this. Iā€™ll think about updating itā€¦

ThunderBeeā€™s are go!

Link updated in Opening post.

**disclaimer There are no ThunderBeeā€™s, only Beeā€™sā€¦ now I want to make ThunderBeeā€™sā€¦


Youā€™re quite well-spoken Froggy! Easy to listen to. With a little practice Iā€™m sure youā€™ll be a pro at making demo videos :smile:


Sorry, I missed your post. Donā€™t use 7zip, failing that just download the .smod and drop it in your mods folder :slight_smile:

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agreed! well done @Froggy! love the voice! :heart_eyes: :smile:

moar videos, please! :+1:


Minor update.


Change log:

Replaced placeholder quest advisor graphic ( +1 hilarity )
Changed campaign to close down graciously.

Suggest re-download if youā€™ve already downloaded


Updated to work with the latest branchā€¦ which was not fun.

Stonehearth CAFE now compliments the existing Cook class by adding new recipes, a fancy cook outfit, town decorations, bees and more!

Link available in the opening thread.


I know what you mean this update was really big xD im working since 5 hours on the translation xD

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I goofed the ai_pack system, and what should have been an hour or so at most turned in to me squinting at my computer for 4ā€¦ :computer: :expressionless:


Hey iā€™m sorry I am new to mods and I am curious how do I get the cook job? I have both the wheat and potatoes but I donā€™t see any way I can get the cookā€™s spoon? I really wanna see this mod in action :smile:

Check the Mason. I believe the Cook class that is now implemented by Radiant themselves uses a spoon of stone.

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Is it unlocked at a certain level? cause I donā€™t see it.