Micro worlds need minor updates

Hey @The_M, there are currently multiple issues with microworld. Among them, the manifest still says version 1, berry bushes have a new path, and maybe more. There was some discussion on a stream a week or two ago about overhauling microworld, or sharing the large set of microworlds that the team has. Going to ping @Ponder to ask about getting microworld working again from GitHub.

If you need to get microworld working quickly, here is how I fixed mini_game:

  1. In the manifest.json, replace "version" : 1 with "version" : 2
  2. In \data\data_driven_world\mini_game_world.json, replace "alias" : "stonehearth:berry_bush", with "alias" : "stonehearth:plants:berry_bush",
  3. In \worlds\mini_game_world.lua, replace 'stonehearth:berry_bush' with 'stonehearth:plants:berry_bush'

Hope that helps!