How to start modding?

Hello @Heblerp !
Welcome to the discourse!

I’m one of the Modders in the community

There isn’t really that much modders in the community at the moment and i welcome you to the… Thing!

I’m sure you know this, but just to let you know, the game is on Alpha, so some changes are bound to happen in the game that may brake your mod.
This could be minor and just require you to do something simple like relocating files or changing somecode lines. And in rare cases it may mean you’ll have to re-write a big chunk. But considering there’s still modding happening, i’m sure it’s something that can be handled

You can start by getting the starter mod(i assume you have it already)
You can reverse-engineer the mod to learn how to do the things that inside the starter mod.

Some modding elements aren’t in the starter mod yet, but you can ask or search it on the discourse

On how much you can change the game is as far as i know, is
Adding races, adding mobs(creatures), adding scenarios(quests or encounters), adding bioms, adding classes(jobs), adding structures, adding items, adding UI elements and features that are independent from the default(like ‘Hearthlings of many faces’ and i’m pretty sure you can’t ‘edit’ the existing ui, but you can re-texture it), adding crops(farming)
And there’s probably a but more, but that’s all i can think of at the moment

.qb files can me made and read in ‘Qubicle Constructor’ and are used for mobs,structures and pretty much every object in the game.
Qubicle voxel editor is on steam, and I believe the old version can be bought in the website


Ps : i’m on the modeling and animating department of modding, i don’t know much code, but there’s people that do.

Feel free to ask me if you need help in modeling or animating Via PM