About the new world generation

It’s not easy to understand right away what each setting do because some of them impact others so when you think you get it, tweacking something else may end in some non expected results. Some settings have comments to explain what they do but It would be nice to have more comments like this on some other settings to get a better idea of what they really do.

One thing perhaps, it would be interesting to get some separate settings for foothill1 and foothill2 and even perhaps for mountain1. For example a 5 voxel high for foothill1 looks quite pretty (even if it’s like smoothering the vertical curb much more).

The tree distribution is strange, for now I could not populate some steril plains…

Still digging…


I suppose this is where we mention the wonderful world of “Mods”. Where everyone can get what they want. Like actually, Beatrice can have exactly what they want, and while I agree that would be cool, I can also get what I want, which is completely different than what Beatrice wants. :smiley:

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Not sure to understand what you mean but indeed if for example you want a dull non-attractive landscape, theoretically it could be done via mod. But that’s not completely true right away, seems the “big lines” (the general topology) cannot be tweack via the .json file…