[YouTube] StoneHearth Banto

I’ve only done a bit of C/C++ and some JAVA development prior looking into the JSON-files of Stonehearth; based on my experience despite my limited knowledge, I’d say you will not find it too confusing once you start.
The JSON-files simply holds information; really simple to work with - if you want to create anything that relies on scripting you will have to look into the lua-files, too, I think. (Again, not too confusing - but I found this a harder task to grasp)

I use MagicaVoxel, too; but I’ve never used VoxelShop.
The way I’ve gone about to center my models is like this:

  • Once I’m happy with my model, I mirror it on the X-axis (due to MagicaVoxel and Stonehearth having inversed X-axis orientation) ans save it as a .qb
  • I load my model into the game (update the smod-file to include this .qb and all JSON data required to be able to stamp it using the DevTools) and boot up Stonehearth
  • Using the Entity Editor (DevTools), I edit the Model Origin and Region Origin until everything is the way I want it to be
  • Go back to update the JSON-files of my model


If you press Show Json (the little scroll icon) it gives you the code as well.

I’ve grown used to this method now; but maybe I should look into this VoxelShop you speak about :slight_smile: