Very Weird Issue

Did you update the build brushes too?

Yes, reupload your current files will be better, cause I deleted the old ones lol

Updating the brushes is what makes them stop working;

Re-up’ed: Dropbox -

In this current iteration, the building brushes work in the building editor, but have no icons; in the files, they do not have the _ in the resource names.

I’m quite confident I’m missing something obvious, I’m really good at that…

That image with code is from the resource constants. You need to update the building_brushes.json too.
Edit: Nope, the icons are still missing…

Updating the building_brushes json resulting in the icons still missing, and the brushes not working. I’m so very confused.

“stonehearth/data/resource_constants”: “file(data/resource_constants.json)”,
missed the .json
You can also target the same file by its alias, “stonehearth:data:resource_constants”


Knew it would be something obvious. Siiigh…thank you again, Bruno, off to fix that now…

Sigh. I fail; I fixed the names in the top part and not the bottom (voxel, wall, etc)