ShPad - Online Model Viewer/Archive

:star: :star2: ShPad :star2: :star:

A portal thingy to upload, view and sometimes download .qb files.


  • Upload .qb files: Almost every format there is supported for convenience’s sake, although there’s a guideline.
  • View other people’s .qb files: Using a fancy, Unity3D based viewer you can take a closer look at the models in 3D.
  • Hip thumbnails! 'nuff said. They’re a bit bleached, but I like the effect. I really do. Fits into the general style of things.

Upcoming features

  • Multipart models: Use head 13, body 36 and outfit 69 to display what it would look like if Abraham Lincoln and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s child was wearing a fedora.
  • Upload skeletons and animations: Merge a skeleton, a model and as many animations as you want into one collection - and look what it looks like. Mix stuff from different mods or original content (as long as they are compatible to each other) to get rather odd results.
  • Collections: Put items into collections to make them easier available for others.

Not convinced already that this is pretty cool?

Just take a look at our example, HD unicorn!

And of course, special thanks goes to

  • @Miturion, @Pepe and @Relyss for bug reporting, advice giving and such stuff during the “closed beta” that lasted about a month.
  • @voxel_pirate for some Blender assistance
  • @sdee for general feedback, helping me out with the RHS/LHS issue and general model questions


  • What is required to use ShPad?
    A somewhat modern browser, JavaScript and the Unity3D WebPlayer. In case you’re missing latter, you’ll be asked to install it upon attempting to view a model. For the registration, you’ll also need a valid e-mail address - but that’s only required if you want to upload something.
  • What content is currently available?
    Currently, there’s lots of stuff from the original Stonehearth (every entry with the Stonehearth tag), about every model I’ve ever used in one of my mods (which isn’t a lot, admittedly) and some content from @Miturion and @Pepe. Feel free to extend the list!
  • Why is “matrix information” not available for all entries?
    The fancy matrix-information-thing is, as of now, only available for stuff that I’ve selected it to. Until I’ve tested it thoroughly, it will likely stay opt-in. I’ll likely update the items one after another. In the long term, this data should become available for all models.
  • What file formats are supported?
    Currently only .qb with pretty much all export settings. If you have any other format that you want me to support, just give me a call - the system is pretty flexible.
  • What are the limitations?
    The most recent limitations can be read on the upload page. At the start, it will be 30 matrices per file, 100x100x100 voxels per matrix - but expect this to be lowered (a lot) as soon as I have enough data to look at. It’s possible that certain trusted users will gain higher limits.

It’s still pretty beta-ish - I’ll try to update it once in a while. But for now I’d like to get a bit of feedback from a wider audience: What do you like, what do you dislike, what could be improved and what is missing?


honestly, you could have just opened with this, and I would have been perfectly happy… :smile:

this tool is absolutely brilliant, and will be immensely helpful to the entire SH community… my hat’s off to you @RepeatPan and everyone who participated in bringing ShPad to light… well done! :+1:

oh, and squeeee!


This is great! Can’t believe all the stuff you’ve got on here, and I’m sure you’ll have lots more to come. Time to see what rusty skill I have in Qubicle.

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So, this is what you hinted in my thread. Nice.

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Wow this is amazing! Awesome work, I wish they could implement this into the website somehow. It would be really awesome!

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I would guess this is going to be a stonehearth version of Skin websites for minecraft

Fun fact: I thought about implementing some very simple “editor” that would allow you to “re-color” models and download/publish that edited version!

That would be crazy cool!