Wooden doorways are added by [MOD] [18-21] Stonehearth Doorways 2.0 and I think I’ve already added support for them, but I’ll double check that before the next release (coming soon as the first version of the API is almost ready and most data is already migrated).
I have to admit Finetems is a bit on hold right now and possibly until A23 because the devs keep writing about some crafting system overhaul and Finetems, like the name suggests, depends heavily on fine item mechanics, so I’ll wait to see what happens with them in the future. Plant Lore will get some more attention (I have few more decorations planned) and Archmod is pretty much stopped because I want to add new features instead of just new entities first. I have quite a few ideas waiting and even got names for them:
- Land Grab: territory can be marked as owned by the player, all objects not in the player’s territory are slowly abandoned and lose player_id in the end, while objects with no player_id which end up in the player’s territory get player_id after some time. Maximal territory is limited by town tier and certain actions can be performed only on objects in the player’s territory. Also adds Patriot (feels better in the player’s territory) and Traveller (feels better outside the player’s territory) traits.
- Clillmate: adds climates (seasons, varying day length and sun position), new physical needs (warmth, thirst, hunger divided into nutritional categories) and medical condition bar. Hearthlings may become ill if they are cold, dehydrated or have unbalanced diet and it is the Herbalist’s job to take care of them in such case. Adds traits for temperature preference and need-related thoughts.
- YetAnotherCookingMod: some foods require maturation, e.g. the cook has to pour milk into a curding tub and curd can be harvested after some time. Adds some more elaborate food chains so it is not just a raw food > cooking ingredient > food system.
The main reason for updates slowing down recently is whenever I add a new saved variable to any component backward save game compatibility is broken, so I want to add a bunch of these in a single release.