Listen to the Beat!

Here is another obscure song I just recently found, but I really like it.

I have other songs that I like, but Iā€™m too lazy to do that.

Looks at song

Blur - Parklife ā€¦

Are you being sarcastic ā€¦?


Yes. Yes I am. Thanks for noticing.

Donā€™t make me put you on the naughty step again.



OK, @Geoffers747.

I think you mean The Cageā€¦

Sucks for him though, I threw away The Cage and tied a knot in the hose when he wasnā€™t looking.

EDIT: How did this become so off topic?

Hey, guys! I encourage you all to go check out Monstercatā€™s channel on Youtube, as they are giving away an album in a few days time. Anyway, there are benefits to helping them out with their Thunderclap for the album. Anyway, just go check it out for free tunes.

Free Monstercat Album? :scream: I must have it!

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Here is another song I really like.

And no, this is not Necrobumping, well, I donā€™t think it is.

Ok i really like this one but it is a bit dark :stuck_out_tongue:

also this one but it is ONLY because of the text.

Hey i like this song a LOT lol YouTube

Well, I thought it might be fun to see what other cyber buddies on this Discourse are listening to. Post any type of (appropriate :P) music on here that we Discourse types might like.

Well, what Iā€™ve been listening to is the Ip Man Theme:

It. sounds. EPIC.

So, friends, whatā€™re you listening to?

Sorry but we already have one of these threads

Argh, well guess this is redundant. Thanks though.

lets revive the other thread then :slight_smile:

merged and revived! :smile:


Well right now the two artists That I am listening to the most are Lana Del Rey and MDK, my favorite song from him at the moment would happen to be Electabuzz.

Honestly, I havenā€™t been able to get enough of this song:

(In case itā€™s not obvious, this is a troll/humor post)