Alright, it still occurs in this new release. Same thing: designated before saving, placed after loading. I think you can even see evidence that the bed was being carried at the time of saving/loading (a diligent worker is approaching it just before I move the camera away at 15:42 (shortly before saving/loading)). After loading, at 16:18, she’s carrying it over to be placed. I notice the issue at 18:21. Note that it becomes selectable again after saving and loading again, at 44:33, although it remains slightly discolored. I attempt to replace it at 50:44 to discover that there’s a blueprint still underneath it, leading me to suspect that it’s related to these kinds of issues, and it’s brighter because it’s an object and a blueprint overlapping. Presumably, something goes wrong with the blueprints when saving/loading after designating but before placing, or perhaps more specifically when a citizen is on their way to place an item.