How to support joint translation efforts?

I am completely with @Geoffers747 there… I was with WoW from open Beta and for some following years and I remember the time when they began to translate each and every thing. For new players this is not recognizable but for those who were playing WoW and more importantly the Strategic titles Warcraft I to III had to take quite a blow. In the offline titles, places were named “Stormwind” and “Ironforge”… Individual names… Iconic names. But then, they began to rename even those locations and the names of individuals. Yes, they catched the meaning of them quite well and exact, but they are not the same. “Sturmwind” is kinda close, due to Storm and Wind translating to words so well with exchanging just 1 single character/letter. “Eisenschmelze” or “Eisenschmiede” is far less well translated in sound and look but technically well done and the meaning is preserved.
What I want to say is… they had build up recognizable value with those names and took them away. If we now take poor Burlyhands… we know him… we love him… and the German backers who not helped in the translation will wonder “Where is our Burlyhands? We miss him!” while he is just in front of them as for example “Strammhände” or “Starkhände” :smile_cat:
That said, if I get something to translate, I will leave out things I know are names, even as they might be problematic in some cases… I would not like to have my name translated into German as well if it comes up in a text. “Christian” is my name… it reads well, as long as you not translate it and thus reveal it’s meaning when using English (even more as I am not following a religion) :droplet:

You know, there is a reason why I often consult for this or that translation if I have the feeling that I not get a good translation for a word. Usually then 5 or more possible translations pop up in either direction, you then have to look for the correct context and not just pick the first one. That is, if you want to have it as perfect as possible for you. To save you some worries… German is considered quite a hard to learn language.

You did that one perfect :smile_cat: