Game crash when started

i have been trying all day to fix the game but when i install it from the bundel pack the only thing i get in user_settings is “user_id” : “7db95234-9c4f-11e6-86f6-b05adad52e7d”. however i know what i am suppose to put in but when i try to save it i get acsess denied is there any way to save it so the game works

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Hello @aron41, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Have you tried deleting the user_settings.json file? If you do it the game will create it again (hopefully it will add the rest of options).

If it still has only the user_id, and you get the access denied error when trying to add the missing configs there, check if you have administrator permissions on the Stonehearth folder. You might have read-only permissions.

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